Refreshed and relaxed, Hiro was once again ready to start his training. While Vi was lying in medical bay with quite a few broken bones, Infi had immediately came to train Hiro the next day after the 'Incident'.
Hiro slapped his cheeks and focused, [Enough fun and games. If I am gonna do this, I will do this right.]. He quickly called out to Infi as he got ready to begin.
Infi quickly snapped her fingers as they were teleported into the white plain again. Hiro had already registered this place as the battle arena in his mind.
"Ok Hiro, We will start with Magic training. We will begin our training with some basic things. Tell me what do you know about magic?", asked serious Infi.
Hiro quickly began to wrack his mind for an explanation. It was not because he didn't know the answer, rather it was because he only knew about it from his anime/manga sources. Still even those contained thousands of different iterations of the same subject of magic.
Thinking for some time and having decided to go for the simple route, Hiro answered, "Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is still born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it."
"But even then it goes beyond comprehension and thus no true explanation exists about Magic"
"Indeed, that's correct.", confirmed Infi.
"Now what about the Magical container?"
"Every Mage has a "container" inside their body that determines the limits of their Magic Power. If the case becomes empty, there is a chance of death if magic is not recharged." answered Hiro.
"Hmm. Now that we have a basic knowledge, allow me to add some more. Magic is unique to every person It behaves like the person it is used by. There are two ways in while a person's ability to use magic can be affected.
Number 1, if the user gets affected by negative emotions, it can hamper the flow of magic in the body and even temporarily or permanently damage them. The user may also go berserk and can even end up getting cursed.
Number 2, in case if the user expressed desire for growth, drive and will, magic can bend it's structure to accommodate the situation's needs. It can in turn cause the flow of magic to burst explosively. This can also be used as a short-term boost in power."
Hiro listened attentively as Infi added on, "There are many ways to increase magic capacity. One good method is meditating while bending and stirring inner reserves, another is by exhausting the said reserves and forcing the magical container to adapt to the greater drain, thereby increasing the reserves. We will train in both..."
Hiro was so lost in the explanation that he hadn't noticed when it had ended. Quickly coming back to his senses, he nodded his head.
"Now call your reserves. Focus on them and will them out".
Hiro was yet to have used Natsu's power even a single time. He even had not set up the Unimatrix. Before the mock battle with Vi, he was given a 'preview access' of it. But now he had to answer to the present. Hiro closed his eyes and searched deep, he felt nothing. He tried searching again, same result.[Ugh!, they make it look so easy!] He didn't know for how much time he was standing with his hand outstretched but somehow he could feel that if he were to open his eyes anytime, his eyes would be only met with an encouraging smile.
He had to prove himself. He had to at least protect any person he will come to know in his journey. Hell, if push comes to shove, he will have to bear destruction of the world. That he did not want. That he refused to let happen.
Hiro calmed himself as he again dived deep into himself, he stopped searching for anything specific and looked for the feeling of warmth. And like breaking of a dam, in came the flow of what could only be called 'Magic'. In pulsed as it floated around in his body, like a raging river with indomitable force. He could feel swell slowly around his heart, where he believed his soul was. It danced as if it was reunited with a long lost friend. Finally he felt some of bend towards his palm.
He opened his eyes slowly and he was met with an ignited fist. He felt like he could burn anything, shine brighter than sun itself. [Is this how you feel every time you use magic Natsu?]
"Yes! I did. You have unlocked the power of the Firedragon Dragon King himself. My magic has recognised your will and responded to your call. Use it proudly and justly". Hiro's fist was shaking with power.
"Now now...Let's not get swept away in power. Unleash an attack on the mannequin.", which strangely enough had appeared in the arena.
"On the mannequin you say, hah I will blow it to smithereens.", Hiro started laughing violently. Suddenly a hand gripped his shoulder hard enough to cause him momentary pain. He winced and looked at the offensive appendage and onto it's owner, it was Infi.
"You do realise you lost control there right? Your personality is not destructive, you know that right? So tell me why did your entire mood change when just a slight bit of power flew in?", asked a frowning Infi. Hiro would have said it was quite scary if he didn't know she would never hurt him. Any other guy would have pissed his pants by aura of the entity.
Hiro, now wide eyed, instantly remembered that he now housed several personalities and powers inside his body. For that short moment he had lost control, he had been affected. Wow... Just a single mistake and my control over myself is completely destroyed.
"I was affected by a dark personality", answered the terrified boy.
"This is going to continue happening so long you conquer it. You have to be very careful and not let loose too much control. This could have happened when you were facing foes with your comrades and you could have seriously hurt them or worse you would have murdered them in cold-blood.
[Shit! Shit! Shit! I could become a murderer and traitor any moment. I seriously need to consider how to handle this or I will have to keep distance from everyone forever.]
"Remember how you told me you didn't like to curse because your mother told you not to? Right now you just cursed in your mind..."
"What the fuck...", [Oh no, I...slipped again], whispered a worried Hiro. But before he could ask if he was already affected, Infi spoke up.
"I would have tried to fix it but due to a certain someone's constant cursing in his mind, you have caught the habit. Don't worry too much though. This was just a controlled experiment which I had planned along with Natsu and some other people. Even I was expecting you to show some 'resistances'. But you did better than we expected. You should get some rest now. By the way, Congratulations Hiro-kun". [And she's back to fauning over me again. I hadn't even noticed that I was standing there entire afternoon. Who even are 'we' she refers to???]
Hiro proceeded to take a bath in the refreshing lake of this domain(For the lack of better term on his part), and went to bed after having a hearty breakfast of delicious delicacies.
And thus the day came to and end.....
Wait, {A few moments before 'Shit/fuck' in a certain domain inside Hiro}
"Well Kid handled the negativity of 25 men alone. He could have done a lot worse. Cut him some slack.", said Natsu(Ahem! Spirit!) as he munched down on a huge chicken-leg.
"You wanna be the person to tell her that?", said Ben as he munched some frenchfries of his own.
"Nope. I don't wanna die. She's at least Erza level scary, if not more.", said a trembling Natsu.
"Haha, thought as much", replied Ben. "Hey dude, you should try some frenchfries! They taste wonderful!", replied Ben Ten enthusiastically, in whose case even dying didn't diminish his love for typical potato slices and was promoting them in a place which could basically be called his after life.
"Not happening. I literally eat fire yet my tongue could not handle a single piece of that monstrosity. I recommend Chicken legs and blue fire. They taste the best.", an equal food enthusiast Natsu replied.
"I would have if I could...", Ben was about to answer,
"Remember how you told me you didn't like to curse because your mother told you not to? Right now you just cursed in your mind", came an outside voice.
"I would have tried to fix it but due to a certain someone's constant cursing in his mind, you have caught the habit", another attack.
"Shittttttt. How did she know????"
"I would start writing my will if I were you..."
"Noooooooo!!!!", a terrifyingly distressed scream was heard in the domain.