Transformium and... Vibranium and Adamantium.
That night Hiro had been unable to sleep no matter how much he wished for sleep to claim his already tired eyes. His body had grown weary yet his mind worked... It was bursting with thoughts and ideas. And with the dawn of the new day, Hiro got to work. You could argue that a full night of planning would have been enough but he couldn't even decide where to start.
Hiro may have matured but he was still a child at heart. He would admit he was getting a little frustrated, not being able to do anything while being overly excited could do that to any person. After not reaching a solution for a while, he gave up and decided to tackle the problem one by one.
He raised his left hand and stared at the device that was stuck to his wrist . He hadn't progressed much with the Unimatrix besides those initial matches with Vi.
"Unimatrix, access control Code 10", he spoke out and waited for the device to respond to his voice command.
"Voice Command Accepted. Commencing recalibration.", the voice that replied was a welcome Voice. To an outside observer it would seem as if somebody had synthesised his own voice and used it for the device. And funny enough, it wasn't even his own voice, His voice was slowly turning to match Ben's.
Hiro however got alert when a green glow engulfed his modified Omnitrix. The machine's dial popped up and twisted and turned in several ways, yet as soon as it started, it was over.
The next voice he heard brought a grin to his face and the smile that bloomed threatened to spill from his face.
"Calibration complete. Hiro Narukami, user recognised. Original Ben Ten Playlist is now available for use. Voice control has been Activated. Master control has been unlocked."
[Hmm, let's see what this thing can do]"Omnitrix tell me about all the accessible functions.", Hiro had wanted to say this since childhood.
"Master control is accessible. Transformation time as well as energy restrictions have been terminated. The user can remain as an Alien lifeform he wishes for indefinite periods of time."
"DNA scan and self destruct mode have been activated." "
Thought-control and voice-control are accessible. Import Instinct function has been activated. Universal Translator function has been activated."
"DNA recalibration and reconstruction mode has been activated."
"GPS, Universal Com-Link, Teleport and Randomiser functions are accessible. Connection With Primus has been enhanced."
"Ultimate Evolution function has been activated. User can set alien-lifeforms to undergo simulated evolution for a Million years. Enhanced Lifeforms are more combat integrated."
"Ultimate Ben function has been activated. Let's user access transformation's abilities without transforming."
"Bi-Omnitrix function has been activated. User can merge two active transformations and create a hybrid."
"Slimebiote function has been activated. User can transform different parts of body and combine any number of transformation abilities."
"Whoa...Wow I mean I did know you were powerful but not to this extent. But I have one question though, can other plumbers track me if I came in contact with them?"
"Yes, Unimatrix has an inbuilt GPS tracker as well as a homing function. But unfortunately it was never installed with a tracking-disrupter. Because truthfully, I never needed one. ", Said Ben Tennyson who had somehow ended up beside him again. He still couldn't feel any of the two neighbourhood spirits approach him. Even though he had grown accustomed to their antics, it was very annoying sometimes. He pitied people like Gwen Tennyson and Lucy Heartfilia, they had had to bear with them for a long time.
[But enough of that, as long as they remained good at heart, every one would find it in their hearts to forgive them. Now let's take this for a test drive.]
An intense pain erupted from chest again and forced him to drop flat on the ground. It felt like he was being hammered by a Sledgehammer inside his head while somebody was trying to drill his heart out, again. Hiro tried to keep his eyes open but his eyes felt like somebody had poured a mixture of dry sand and broken glass pieces over them. He tried to speak, but felt like he was breathing sand as soon as he opened his mouth. Hiro tried moving his body, and nothing.
It has started again.
Yet he could feel, Hiro could feel the cold from the floor wrap around him. Whether he had imagined the red blood on the floor was anybody's guess. He was sure he would have died had he not heard a giggle, the sound suggested neither female nor male. It felt utterly synthesised and artificial, mocking him, saying 'did you think that's gonna work?'.
[Hmm, I feel pain yet calm. Terrified yet refreshed. Broken yet powerful. Such contradiction...], Hiro thought. Though it didn't help as he felt himself falling from nowhere to nowhere. It was dark, completely yet he could see thousand lights.
[Let me just close my eyes]
Many would call Ben Tennyson brave, he would agree, albeit not wholeheartedly. He would always be terrified of something happening to the people he loved. Even when he was a kid, he would argue and quarrel with his cousin, Gwen, because he would worry about her. He had twisted ways to show his love, deal with it. The Omnitrix had been that beacon of protection for him, Yet it served as a constant reminder of how powerless he is without it. He felt even more powerless now, because after an entire life time of saving people, couldn't help the person who needed him the most now.
When Hiro had fell down on the floor, Ben had instinctively rushed towards him. Forgetting he was already dead, that it wouldn't help the poor boy. Only when his hand had phased through Hiro's head while he tried to pick him up, was he reminded of the situation. Previously The Hero of the Universe, now reduced to something less than a Person.
He was thankful to the Manager, who had given him for a limited period of time, power to interact with the real world, but that could only happen inside the headquarters. Doing nothing for extended periods of time used to bore him even when he was alive, but now it makes him angry. When death had claimed him, he thought he would find peace. His life had exhausted him to his limit, an eternal peace was not a bad idea. But he had been expectant and even happy when he had received Infi's offer after a few hundred years of death. But today it almost made him wish his life to be back, just so he could help his friend.
His Omnitrix popped up, it seemed to understand him very well. It was capable of impossible things, if only he would order the Omnitrix to resurrect him though the Electroneurite DNA, he could come to life. It wouldn't take him a second, because Electroneurites, literal ghost like creatures could resurrect themselves from a single molecule of their DNA. Yet it went against his morals. His arm seemed to shake, the Omnitrix glowed, to make the impossible possible.
"Hiro! What happened here?", Thank God somebody came here.
"Soul Sieze, they have started again. Hiro was going to try out the Unimatrix moments ago, before this happened". He turned from his crouched form near Hiro's body and and stood up to glance at the new entries. For somebody claiming to have defeated a dragon, Natsu sported a pretty worried look. He knew the friendly Dragon Slayer was a pretty big softie inside. But he definitely wouldn't tease him about it. Never can he think of such a thing. Never....
Next to him stood, he meant floated, the Manager. He had been shocked himself when he had been introduced to the manager. The Manager may look like a toddler with wings, yet he would never face her in any form except Alien X. A great power laid locked in that petite form. The little fairy fidgeted worriedly as the trio approached Hiro. She would circle him, observant for any injuries or abnormalities.
"Hmm, no injuries. But Hiro is still in severe pain.", the fairy said with a finger wrapped around her chin. "For now let's take him to the headquarters.", this he could do.
"FFuuucccckkkkkk", Shit he said that out loud.
"I think Paimon should carry him.", that said, the powerful fairy got hold of Hiro by the backside of his collar. She hoisted him alright but struggled to move him. Come on Paimon, you can do it.
Later that day, Hiro was able recovered after a few hours rest, but the damage was imminent. IF this kept happening...well, he will accept it as is. He meant, what else could he do except accepting his situation.
The night had turned Cold and chill. The stars littered across the black-blue canvass looked more real than he had witnessed when he had lived. They glittered and showered Hiro with new hope. If he was afraid of getting damaged, he will just have to make himself invincible and indestructible.
He committed to his life long dream. Thus when dawn finally shun upon him, he opened the big sheets of blueprints he had collected. He was gonna make the Tin Man, The Iron Man Armour.
And that brings us to the present. The Suit and the suit inside the suit were almost complete. Hiro had broken his hands and other bones at least 35 times during this time. One time he had gone blind and the other time an unstable Arc reactor had exploded on his face. Fun times...Definitely fun.
The first step of the process had been to select a suitable metal. Tony Stark had wanted to built a powerful indestructible suit yet had never used Vibranium or any other strong metals. HE didn't mean to say anything rude but that was foolish. he got the fact that it made his unique but why not use these metals if they were all but lying around him. Many thefts of Vibranium had occurred, and he could have definitely got some if he wanted and used it with T' Challa's permission.
But he wasn't going to judge Tony. The man had done more good than he was wanted for. He had great respect for the man. If he somehow met the genius, he would definitely like to talk to him.
The metal he had selected was actually an alloy of Transformium, Vibranuim and Adamantium. IT could be programmed like Transformium, had the near indestructibility like Vibranium and Adamantium. It had the sharpness and sound reflective properties of the said metals.
The model of the suit he had tried to built had to of course be nanotech-of course, who wouldn't, he even had infinite supply to support the little machines. He had decided to go with the abilities of Model Prime. The suit however would also include the end of the line suits like Bleeding edge, The Infinity war suit(Yes movie suits are included), and Model 85. The base for the model had been Model 85, thus it sported 14 Arc reactors, including all the abilities from all the suits, Model Prime was designed for that purpose. The suit was could regenerate both the User and itself, produce any weapon from any suit and even weapons he had thought of. It could reform back in both the was Model Prime did, in pellets and in form of Nanotech and could also turn invisible. Though the main reason he had picked Model Prime was the design. It was unique even in the midst of the amazing suits.
But believe him it wasn't an easy task. Both Ben and him had to turn into Upgrade and Grey matter to build this. He had spent an entire year just studying just how the fuck the Repulsor technology worked in the boots. This monster had taken at least 15 years to build. And don't even ask him how he had built an AI for his suit. He had built the Ai by himself though so he could at least be proud he did something for the suit.
Sunday, his AI, named by Paimon, was entire his creation, but god damn was it not hard. Aether in all was a replica of Friday, with the voice to match.
Next, came the clothing that could support the suit. This was the suit Ben was referring to earlier. The suit, as in literal sense, was a black Tuxedo. It may seem cringe, but he had time, so he built one. However this wasn't an ordinary tuxedo. This was designed in a way that would allow him to fight or escape should he go unconscious.
"Hey don't play with that....You definitely don't want a 50 Cal blowing up in your face"
The doors of the chamber opened as a lone figure emerged form the blackness inside. This figure did resemble the boy they once knew but it seemed some major changes have taken place. No longer was the boy's hair black, but it had become rowdy as the Dragon Slayer. The upper part of the boy's head had huge Salmon coloured bangs while his sides were neatly cropped and had brown colour scheme.(Itadori Yuuji inspired hairstyle only with longer bangs. So imagine his hairstyle for the correct picture) His eyes were no longer pale emerald but had gained an Electric green colour which some how gave him a sharp and intimidating gaze. He had grown more muscles and had a fit body. (Imagine Garou from One punch man for reference. The mangaka really outdid himself when he drew Garou's back muscles on the base of Bruce Lee's.)
"Welcome back kid. How was your trip? Did you have fun?", Vi was bouncing again. Some things never change no matter how much time passed. But he was also happy to see them so he was going to be a bit bold. When he approached the pair, he quickly wrapped his arms around them for a hug. The pair was genuinely surprised by this action. They had guessed a heartfelt talk would be the end of it. They hugged the boy back.
"Aww, Hiro-kun did you you miss your Oni-Chan", the questioning voice was not of the Onee-chan he had come to know. It was of that old-geezer. Yuck. Imagine A full grown man telling you that. And that monkey had the gall to be sarcastic!!
"Not as much as I did Infi", the woman also started jumping while hugging him. Sweet Pay back.
The man in question feigned a heart attack while he dropped down on the floor shedding his crocodile tears.
"But I guess I did miss you too...", Hiro had to scratch his cheek hard to stop himself from feeling embarrassed. Hiro still liked Vi enough to forgive him for teasing him during his welcome. The geezer was annoying but cool.
"Really?", came a question.
"Wait...Didn't you say you miss me?"
"Did I? I don't remember"
"Come on admit it... I will give you chocolates"
"Haha...Nice try... I am not 11 years old"
"Would my personal porn collection suffice?"
"Huh...I Wwonnt fall for i-it...."
"Vi...What did I say about manners???"
"Just kidding!!!"
It's nice to finally be home again.