[]- Thoughts
" "- Human speech
[" "]- Order/ Some kind of Foreign being speaking.
"I feel so empty. So drained...", I manage to whisper out with the last of my strength.
My momentary weakness makes it slip by, the regret comes crashing, its weight too much to bear for my weary soul. As I struggle to keep my eyes open, the memories of the past moments seem to fall into place. They seemed to fill up the instances I so long to forget now, with all my heart and mind.
[How could I let that happen... How DID this happen? What a piece of crap!] Hiro tried to float away into the numbing pain, let nature run its course, and dissimilate into the void around him. Yet he was not spared a shred of relief or peace.
The memories of the recent events seem to pour in like hot sand every time I close my eyes. What have I done to suffer like this?
It happened so suddenly. One moment I was glad to have two new powers unlocked, and the next, I was greeted with the thing I didn't wish to see for as long as I lived. I didn't, I really didn't wish to see anything.
I wished to go blind and let the devil scourge my eyeballs. And yet, I could not gaze away from it. The ash, the red, and the silence, all but confirmed I was watching my worst nightmare.
I could only stand, helpless and weak, as cruel reality set in. I could only watch as Zero's sword carved into Vi's chest, how it seemed to lodge itself into him with all bloodlust and ruthlessness it could muster, while the strange black figure seemed to vanish into mist and Zero seemed to miss her right arm.
My heart stopped. I didn't even feel like I was breathing anymore. The spur of the moment was so devastating, that I gave into the very primal desire that I had avoided this whole time.
The relief I had felt earlier was all but gone.
"What have you done?!!!! What have you...DONE!!!!!!!!!!"
[I don't care anymore. I don't care about the differences in power, I don't care about morals, emotions, or ANYTHING!] The sole desire that drove my mind was to kill Her! TO KILL ZERO.
"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!!!!!!", Hiro didn't care when he took the Seige out. He didn't care when plunged his fist deep into Zero's chest, shattering ribs, muscles, and everything that stood in his way. He didn't care when Zero choked him and cracked his skull under her grasp.
All he wanted was to kill this bi***
He didn't care when he crushed the already damaged teleporter in his hands as he got busy tearing Zero a new one.
He didn't care when his face melted off after crashing face-first into Zero's force field. He simply pushed through.
"I will kill you...kill you...KILL YOU!!!", Hiro screamed his heart out. He screamed until his throat bled, until his vocal cords snapped, and until he could scream no more.
I knew I shouldn't give in to the anger. But the chance of revenge was too sweet to resist. Though what really made it awkward was that I was aware, and vigilant about the things happening to me and my surroundings. It felt like I had taken the backseat of the car and even though the steering wheel was still in my hands, somebody else was driving the car.
Still, I was saved from any headaches as a single thought ran into my mind, "DIE!!!!".
I could only see Zero, see the blade that was killing Vi, and see the golden sparkles bleeding out of both his and Infi's fading bodies.
Thus I began praying, to any higher power, ready to sell my soul if I must, just to get a single turbulent, deadly strike.
"My adventure, let it be turned to ash, my dreams, let them feed power to my body, my thoughts, let them only seek one purpose.".
I remember feeling my hand plunge straight into Zero's breastplate, burning through the armor. I remember releasing everything I could, fire, ice, lightning, you name it, trying to burn down Zero from the very core.
"Burn to the GROUND!!!", Zero's eyes widened as she grabbed my arm, twisting it at the same time. From there it was a race of endurance and pain. Fortunately, I was already getting numb to it. So before she could break mine, I began biting off the only arm she had left. I pushed my left hand even further into her as I did so and held her off with my other arm.
I would be damned before I let this chance slip.
But the look on her face, oh it was so priceless...
I could see my plan work out as warm light blurred my eyes. Even then, I could feel myself cackle with joy when I saw a bright light engulf Zero.
The fire from my attack had successfully ignited the transporter. Breaking it did a single thing, it created a positive feedback loop. After the initial explosion would break the divider, it would also allow the raw cosmic energy to flow in, in order to achieve equilibrium.
That much energy was too much, even for somebody like Zero. I am sure she could have handled it if the energy was calm and serene. But we don't generally relate explosive cosmic energy with those terms.
This plan had been my last resort. Because by crushing the teleporter, I would also kill my own escape plan and the thing that would have carried me to different dimensions.
*Huff* There goes my adventure...
[I have already lost, so why not pull all the stops? Besides, what is a road without fellow travelers, a painting without a canvas?], is what I thought to myself. Convinced that at least I had completed the task I was given, even if it was partially.
As the blast burned my eyes, I could still feel something itching at my heart. A desire it seemed, it meet to them one last time.
That is how Hiro had ended up like this. He had been one of the closest people to the explosion, being the very first to be knocked back after it went off. But he didn't regret it. He needed the explosion to be powerful, to at least cripple that abomination.
It would go without saying how he himself was surprised by his survival. That blast should have killed him, this shitty story should have ended then and there. He shouldn't have to think about all this...
And yet here he was, floating in the void, torn and broken. He didn't even know what had happened to Vi and Infi. After all his, first and only response had been to erase the threat of Zero.
All he now saw was black, wondering whether he had no eyes left to see or void was truly that blinding. A smile however crept into his face, or skull for the matter. That grimy light was no more, that abomination had left...
"F*** me", all courtesy and etiquette were lost on him. He was simply lost on what he would do now and how he would survive. Still, why would he try? He didn't have a reason anymore.
"I will definitely skip work tomorrow", and get some sleep, he needed it now.
Hiro pretended to close his eyes and fall asleep, funnily he couldn't do the very thing he had wished not moments ago.
It was there, like a creeping worm of hope in the vast jungle of darkness. Just maybe all of this s*** was a dream. Maybe, Vi would splash water on him the next second and he would wake up from the bed. Or maybe he would wake up in his room, in his house, thinking how his death and all this had been a bad dream.
Unfortunately, it was too late for that.
"Just pop up already. Surprise me. You have done this so many f****** times. It's...not even funny... anymore". He was sweating from the eyes again. Damn!
"Well, I can't just 'Pop Up', I really do have a hole in my chest", Hiro could hear the faint tremble in the voice of the master he looked up to. Even though he couldn't see them, he could feel he was losing them, losing the only family he had had until now.
"Besides, you, young man need to properly take care of yourself.", He could feel Infi's hands wrap around him in a tight hug. He would have hugged back, had he not been a blob of flesh without legs and arms. He was even questioning how the heck he was speaking to them.
"You aren't gonna stay, are you?", Hiro didn't even hope for the impossible. Even though he could hear them, he knew he would be disappointed no matter how they answer it.
"BUUUUUT, Don't worry, your old man made sure that bitch won't follow you. Any of your connection with her has been severed. She won't be able to find you like this anytime soon..."
"But that doesn't help your case at all", he didn't even hide it. He was heartbroken and disappointed.
"Yeah... it doesn't"
I would say it was the shock of the century, but that would be understating it. I had been literally shocked to death, as Infi's warm hug suddenly turned into a push.
My mouth hung open, like a fish outside water, struggling to get any words out. I could only follow the set of commands that the two Guardians gave me, as I drifted further from them.
["Hold your Hand forward Hiro Narukami. Cherish and celebrate yourself, for you have now been entitled the CHAMPION OF ONE. You shall work for the peace of the Neoverse and shall devote, your body and soul to the process. You shall demolish and purge evil wherever you go and shall do so by ANY MEANS NECESSARY."]. I felt something appear in my hand. But I didn't have to guess what it could be.
["We the GUARDIANS, grant you... permission for travel. By the last of our... powers shall the transporter be... restored, even still our beings be destroyed in process"]
["Farewell, little Brother"]
Oh, I miss them already.
<"Omnitrix Recallibration Complete">, a familiar AI voice stated.
<"Destination Selected. Initiating Launch Sequence in T-minus 10...9...8...7">
The second one was rather jarring, almost like it was drilling into my brain.
"Oh I'm definitely excited about the adventures we have to peril through next", good sarcasm was definitely required here.
"Let's Gooooooooooooooo", Hiro could say in a deadpan voice as the teleporter teleported his barely alive body.
Hiro was hurled back into another void. He could tell that he was in a quiet place again. Surrounded by stars and galaxies.
"Huh? Was I not teleported?", Hiro didn't have half the mood to deal with this nonsense.
"Oh Yes You did, Hiro Narukami... You are in our world Now.", a grumpy male voice called out to him.
Very few things could surprise him at this point, This voice was not one of them.
"How did I get in here? Wasn't I going somewhere else?"
"It is true. But due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were forced to bring you here.", a cheerful female voice stated.
"Why now? What happened?"
["That contraption of yours was sent into callibration moments after the Creator landed her eyes on it. You should be careful who you face boy].", Mr.Grumpy answered in his grumpy voice.
["Moreover, She had sealed the entire space, so we couldn't get in touch. We had to simply rest and observe."], The lovely lady stated.
"Guess that lady is too powerful for even you."
["Do not underestimate us, boy. We had known about the creators long before you were even born. Though we have to admit, we wouldn't be of much use. Any and all we can do, the creators can do the same, if not more."]
["Yes, as the humans say, We could 'hold a candle' to the creator, but nothing more than that."]
["It is indeed true"]
"But why am I here?"
["The safety measures of your contraption started. Since you were on the verge of dying a second time, it had no choice but to transform you into us."]
["But we welcome you here, Hiro Narukami. Since your transporter is still broken, it was unable to set the right time limit of the departure. You could be stuck with us for another day, year, or even thousands of years."]
["So we encourage you to be reasonable and participate in our daily bouts of arguments."]
Hiro had half expected this. But he was still a bit worried about the transporter not being completely fixed.
But he really couldn't do anything about the circumstances he was stuck in. So he did the next best thing.
"I will help in resolving your debates. But for each one I do, you must support one decision of mine. Do you agree to this?"
["We do."]
["You would be the voice of reason of the debate. It is about whether we should bring back the dinosaurs on planet 12356489125418445"]
"I am listening, Belicus, Serena."