The alliance

Oscar Gray, had interests in a possible Spanish union, he had verified this in the royal archives, when he had read the diplomatic history of both sides, he was totally immersed in the political world, each day he was conquering ascension, the reign left him confident, to try this possible alliance, Juana Montes, would be the sacrifice, he found her too beautiful and intelligent, inquisitor, modern for the time when the society was ruled by the patriarchal.

Juana Montes, had a classical Greek education, had the most refined philosophical and theological subjects, was a true scientist who devoted her love to God, Mr. Gray appeared in her life, like a lightening bolt clearing the darkness, many doubts absorbed her, but what could it be, she was in a moment of incomprehension, she rejected several marriages, she remained chaste, until that man entered her house, robust with the carriage of a hunter, making court in her residence with prior acceptance of her beloved father.

- Could it be that my doubts were referring to the marriage, not yet accomplished? Thus he concluded, accepting the court.

Mr. Montes, Juana's father, felt fond of the young man, so young and in such a high position in society, something at first intrigued him, the origin of his family that remained a mystery, but he was delighted to confirm that the same was a diplomat and one of the best, he was sure that a marriage with a person directed in the financial world, at least would sustain her, in the idea that he wanted, to propose new theories of states, incubated thoughts, but faithful.

The dream of Juana Montes, was to have renown in science, her name perepetuando for eternity, but the academies hardly offered vacancies for women, the union with Oscar Gray, brought scientific knowledge, with the title of Nobility, had authority to enter in libraries of academies, the knowledge, the scientific advance, the faith, had always been points in constant evolution and always innate of the human being, to restrict the knowledge the population notes in transverse directions, where a minority has easy access to the capital, thus fomenting a society, this environment was disgusting for Juana, who loved with a squeeze in her heart, she felt no pleasure in kissing him, he was a cold man, too cordial, a very declared gentleman, he was cold, Juana did not know why, but Mr. Gray, knew, it was the Spanish gold deposits that their marriage yielded, had been entirely strategic, he offered the service of turning the rough stone and into a currency between two nations, a commercial alliance, this had been the request of the Spanish royalty,-'unite with us in a marriage with our nobility, that we shall have this union. "Thus the marriage was performed, Juana Montes, deceived, never suspected, that her husband, not even loved her, only had her carnally, sank into sadness, and also in much wisdom, the cordiality and friendship of the couple were distancing themselves, he always cold, aggressive sometimes, She, without understanding her husband, sank deeper and deeper into knowledge and faith. She was observing the beauty of a rose, when a young man speaks enchanting words with them, she felt trembling, without reaction, enchanted, to what her hearing captured.

The days passed by and Oscar Gray never mentioned that chivalrous act of that young man, a very strong memory that remained in his conscience, he did not know what it was about, but by the novels he read, he believed to be the love sprouting in his heart, but life showed that she was married, and following that carelessness could have strong retaliations, such as duel and death, however that feeling was growing more and more in his chest. His wife, more than anyone else, would like to help him, but he could not find the answers.

- Dear Joan, I have to go away on business. He spoke as if there was a wall of ice between them.

She more than anyone else that every trip was warned in advance by the court, this one happened by surprise, what was going on? It crossed her mind.

Oscar Gray, after a long journey, resolved to present himself without resalvo of the union, to that conflict, he had particular interest in the midst of what existed between those two burghs, their precious deposits, his wife was ignorant of Oscar Gray's business, he had gone to meet Count Jua, who had offered his two daughters, Juliet and Esmeralda de Jua, both twenty two and twenty three years old, in provision of dividing with him part of the mine, for the same Count was well informed, about the owner of both matters that generated conflict, Oscar dared not knock on the other door, he had been uneasy with the proposal, he would accept, he would only leave enough for his wife for a lifetime, he would change country, where he could marry, he would betray the union.