The Marriage

The evening had gone exceptionally well, Ernest had flirted with her insistently for years, until a note cut her heart.

"Dear Ernest,

do not give me your word, for I have an appointment.

Juana Montes"

When she wrote her name on the note she thought twice until she decided, it would be a chance a chance, she lowered her head on her hand, she thought, she had decided to send it anyway, she handed it to a domestic of the home, who found it and left the note.

But with the death of her husband, a burnt body, in the middle of the war field with personal objects of the royalty, they buried with labour all, as much as the sadness was strong, Juana Montes felt liberated, she could enjoy the love of the young knight.

She had let this thought grow slowly in her conscience in her heart, but she had always loved him, from the first day in the square until the courting at the end of the march, she decided to wait for an attitude from him.

Ernest Neutral, was totally euphoric, on one hand he lamented the tragedy, on the other he felt that he would have the woman that he had asked God for, he let some months pass, until he made the court definitely.

The night was splendid, everything in the true luxurious refinements, Juana Montes, was not ashamed to hide the fortune that the deceased had left her, she heard one or two pokes from her guests about the glamour in the party and her advanced age, she made as if he was not talking to her and left, the Judge starts the matrimonial ritual, Neutral Ernest, with a warrior demeanor in front of him, that true love, today at his side, in hot kisses, tasty kisses, faithful and involving hugs, true caresses that were exchanged at that moment of great desire between both, until a certain day, he fainted in the kitchen.

Ernest arrived at night in his house, the distressed servants wanting to say something only says.

- Go and meet your wife.

He, as if the world were going to go to war, leaves at once to the room of his beloved.

- What happened my rose?

- I fainted earlier this afternoon.

- They called the doctor.

- Yes, I'm pregnant.

It had been one of the best happinesses of his life, hearing this from his wife, she would be expecting a child, so priceless from the woman he had asked God for, the world couldn't be happier than ever at this moment.

Juana Montes for a moment remembered Oscar Gray, the reason she did not have a child with him.

Juliet Jua and August Yuis, who also got together, travelled through many countries, squandering wealth, Juliet felt in her inmost self, that she was the one who sustained these trips around the world, but she couldn't say how, since one day a daring man knocked at the Castle's door and my sister's husband answered, who introduced August Yuis, right from the face I knew he was a person of bad reputation, until the day they offered to marry him, and he already had a date set, another disaster, but he learned love, always affectionate, with a rustic way was a good company, he was already with a huge boredom, of so much getting in and out of carriage, packing and unpacking, decided to ask August.

- Where are we going?

- Home, Juliet.

For a moment it came to her mind, where would their home be, if she still believed she was on her honeymoon.