Chapter 4: The Tournament is approaching: the will of a champion

It starts by showing Apocalypse getting ready for battle, "Shall we commence in battle?" Apocalypse asked as the Ninjas charged at him at one time. "Hmph!" apocalypse said, as he executed a spinning heel kick to two of the ninjas and as the third ninja swung, apocalypse ducked and punched a hole through the ninja's stomach killing him on impact. Recon stood there as well as Pulse who then, dashed at the two ninjas cutting both their heads. "Pulse you are remarkable, now to deal with you." Apocalypse pointed out.

It then shows the Chan brothers alongside Amy.

"We need to leave." Lee chan pointed out. "But brother, what about the tournament?" Billy asked as Amy looked on. "This tournament isn't important to me, but finding our parent's killer is a must, we need to head to where my father learned martial arts from, the red dragon clan. From there we train and become stronger and then we seek revenge." Lee said as he became angry as Amy added, " grandfather is the head of the Red Dragon clan, I can take you to him because you're not leaving me behind Lee chan." she said.

It then shows the trio of them alongside baby Zen being held by his brother lee in Zodiac's office.

"What do you mean you're not taking part in the tournament! You three are the key combatants to this fight, and you're leaving the team in a dire situation as this." Zodiac said as Billy added, "but sir, this isn't about the tournament for us, it's about finding our parents killer and evolving in combat training." "I understand, but the team needs you," Zodiac said. "I'm sorry teacher, but we must do this," Lee added.

It then shows Nova, Coldfront, and Rayden together in the practice area. "We keep an eye on this Chanzu guy, I don't trust him at all," Rayden said, as Three other members walked towards them. "Hello, I remember you from the meeting, I'm Hawke, and this is Tera, and Ryoku." he said as Coldfront replied, "I'm Coldfront, and this is Nova and Rayden." "we're looking forward to doing battle with you'll in the tournament." Ryoku said, when It showed a ninja in the tree, "you will all lose." he declared as everyone looked up to see Chanzu, as Coldfront and Rayden became angry. "Ahhh, Coldfront is it, our last encounter didn't go so well, so let me properly introduce myself. My name is Chanzu, and I'm looking forward to defeating you'll in the tournament, and I have something special for you Mr. Coldfront, if we get to face each other." Chanzu said, as Coldfront and the others looked on. "You may believe you're ready, but I promise you, that you have no idea of what I am capable of, so let this be a warning to you boy, that when that time comes for us to battle, I'll enjoy it more than you suffer from it."Chanzu added as he walked off more seriously.

Hours later,

Somewhere far was the chan family. "Are you sure brother?" Billy chan asked as they approached the red dragon's lair. "yes, it's what dad would have wanted...." He stated.

Moments later, they were talking to the headmaster of the dragon clan, master Zang Yongnian. "you're Yuzaro Chan's kids, where's your father?" He inquired. "D....dead." billy replied as the headmaster was in shock then asked, "why are you here?" As lee responded, "Revenge kill the one who killed our parents." "I see." the headmaster said.

Moments later, the red dragons had zen in a room protected by the female ninjas, as it showed lee and billy in red dragon uniforms standing in front of the headmaster. "welcome to the red dragon clan." the headmaster called out as the scene ends showing lee's angry eyes inside the mask. It then shows a battered Recon. "now show me to your so-called leader." Apocalypse said, as it showed pulse standing there, as Recon spat blood on the ground. "He's infiltrating The Formaxion compound at the moment," she stated. "Very well then, take me to your domain." Apocalypse added as they all began walking.

As it goes to red and X-factor deep in the woods, coming off a successful mission by delivering a scroll to the guardian ninjas. As they were on their way back, "red...." a voice called out. "I recognize that voice." red said with an angry look on his face. "Red, are you ok?" X-factor asked as red turned around to catch his father staring at him. "My, my, my, how you have grown since I last saw you," Rajin said. "What do you want?" red asked as he clenched his fist, "I'm afraid we have some unfinished business you and I." Rajin replied. "Last I remembered, you were begging for your life to be saved when I killed your mother." Rajin said as X-factor was ready to do battle, "you go left, I go right." X-factor said as red angrily shouted, "No!!!.....stay out of this, this is between me and him!" red added. "That's no way to speak to your father now is it." Rajin responded with a chuckle. "all that matters anyway, this time you will die just like your mother!" Rajin said with evil intent as red's hair started to rise slowly, and his eyes widened with anger, "that bastard!" X-factor said to himself as it goes into a flashback, showing Richard, as a man with some kind of mask on. "dear boy...your mother is resting come...come join her." Rajin said as red started walking slowly and glanced at the broken picture on the floor of him, his father, and his mother. He then looked up slowly to the masked mercenary once known as his father and yelled, "you murderer!" And red took off running towards the door when Rajin somehow appeared in front of red, as red fell on his bottom by being surprised and scared that his father was that quick. Rajin then walked up to red, as red began to beg "please...don't Kill Me!!!!" Red yelled as he got to his feet. Rajin then dashed and gutted his 4-year-old son in the stomach cutting his wind, as a little blood flew from red's mouth from the impact. "I'm not gonna kill you just yet....but mark my words, the next time I see will join your pathetic mother," Rajin said as red tried to talk but could not, as Rajin kicked red in the stomach sending him flying back and impacting the wall and falling in the pool of his mother's blood and then passing out as the flashback ends.

"You have no right to call me your son after what you did to my mother!" red said angrily. "Enough talk boy...come at me!" Rajin said as he went into his fighting stance as well as red. They both stared at one another, as the wind picked up and leaves blew past the two, as X-factor jumped into the trees to spectate and have no involvement whatsoever. "Any last words?" Rajin asked as red clenched his fist. "I see," Rajin added when red ran at Rajin as they went into hand-to-hand combat, as they swung at each other and blocking one another as well. Red then did a leg sweep on Rajin, and as Rajin was going down, red kicked him in the face as Rajin fell to the ground, then got up as quick and dust himself off. "that just pissed me off." Rajin said as red swung, but Rajin caught his arm and kicked him in the gut sending red flying backward and hitting the ground hard. Rajin then summoned three lightning bolts Directed towards red, as they came from the sky with a force of velocity, as red quickly dodged the bolts, and then being punched in the face by Rajin then in the abdomen with both Rajin's right arm first, then his left arm. Then as red was a little in the air, Rajin kicked him in the stomach and as red was going back Rajin grabbed red's leg then his other, and started spinning red in a circle and throwing him to a tree far off in the distance, as red hit the tree hard when Rajin walked past a tree and somehow managed to end up behind X-factor. "what the!" X-factor said because he felt Rajin behind him, and before Rajin could strike, X-factor moved from the tree with speed as Rajin chased him behind. When X-factor ended up in the center of the forest, he was looking for Rajin. "where is he?" X-factor asked as Rajin appeared in four different areas in the tree, in front of X- factor, the one behind X-factor, on the tree to the left of X-factor, and the tree to the right of X-factor. It then showed red struggling to get up, and when he did, he wiped the blood from his mouth. "that bastard!" Red yelled, as it goes back to Rajin punching X-factor repeatedly in the face while on top of X-factor, as X-factor was on the ground. "Aahhh!!!!!!!" Red yelled, while he ran and bull charged Rajin off of X-factor sending Rajin to the ground a few feet away from them. "Ahhhhhhhh!" red yelled again, dashing at Rajin and kicked Rajin in the air a bit, then red was spinning around and kicked Rajin in the face, as Rajin flipped backward and roared to power up a bit, "DIE!!!!!!" Rajin roared, as he gathered a death bolt and threw it at red, as red dodged it, but Rajin kept sending lightning bolts at his son as the Lightning started a fire. Red knew he had to flee for now because the Lightning bolts would kill him on impact. Rajin wasn't gonna stop, but to red's surprise he did, "come out!" Rajin said as he was panting. "this battle is far from over." he added, as red was hiding in one of the trees panting as well. "Either come out and face your demise, or I kill your comrade," Rajin said, as he picked up the weakened X-factor. X- factor then pointed to the upper tree and whimpered, "t....time loop." your lost red!" Rajin said as he struck a lightning bolt through X-factor as X-factor dropped to his death and suddenly, it showed another X-factor in the trees, and then it went back to a few moments before his death. "Either come out and face your demise, or I kill your comrade," Rajin said as he picked up the weakened X-factor. X- factor then pointed to the upper tree, "now's my chance!" X-factor said and before Rajin pierced the bolt inside of X-factor, The duplicate X-factor quickly threw a kunai. "what's this?" Rajin asked as he glanced at the duplicate X-factor in the tree before the duplicate disappeared. Rajin then looked down and X-factor chuckled, "that's my temporal rewind, something that I've been working on for a critical moment like this." X-factor said as he quickly dashed in retreat and grabbed the wounded Red, and they both retreated. when X-factor threw a light bomb that blinded Rajin, as they made their escape.

"Tricky bastard, not to worry though, there will be a time when red is alone and then he's mine..." Rajin said.

Later that night At the banquet,

Everyone was enjoying Their time having fun and eating, when it showed Shiniko staring at Chanzu, who was staring at Coldfront with the look of malice. "Why is he so eager to face this kid?" Shiniko asked himself as Coldfront looked to see Chanzu staring at him. "Chanzu!" Shiniko called out, as everyone looked on. "My apologies sir.....I just got caught in a trance." Chanzu said as he looked at shiniko. "I will kill you Coldfront, you just watch," Chanzu said to himself, as it showed Coldfront, Nova, and Rayden staring at Chanzu, as he looked at them to end the chapter.