
Chapter 6: The Tournament continues: The Mysterious motives of Chanzu.

It was getting dark out, so Lee chan and company had to set up camp further in the forest, as Billy chan looked at the sign that said willow front, as Lee gathered everyone around the food that was in the middle of their circle, they were holding hands and Lee blessed the food. "thank you, Heavenly Father, for gathering us here, I would like to take the time, and bless this food an give thanks: thank you for making us stronger, thank you for nourishing our bodies, and most importantly thank you for being our Father....an I ask that you take care of mother and father in your heavenly kingdom, and we love you in Jesus name, Amen." Lee added.

Minutes later,

They were all chowing down on rice balls and dumplings that were reheated over a fire that Billy had created, as Amy stared at Lee chan who was just sitting there staring at the flickering fire, and not eating his food. Billy chan was eating his food with his mouth stuffed when, Lee chan out of nowhere said, "I miss mom and dad." Billy had stopped eating his food and also became a little sad as well as Amy. "I miss hearing her sang little zen to sleep, and I miss father sneaking us a snack before bed....don't you Billy?" Lee asked as it shows Billy crying, (sniffs) "Yes...I missed them so much." Billy added as Amy told them, "I'm sorry you guys lost your parents, and I've seen your dad before, talking to my Grandpa now and then.....I'm sorry." she added, as Lee responded, "It's okay Amy, but you two need some rest, I'll keep watch." he insisted as Amy denied. "No! you get some rest, and Billy and I will watch the scroll," she added, as Lee obliged, and as fast as he lied on the ground he fell asleep.

Back at the Tournament,

The pods were opened up, and Coldfront and Chill were looking across at Hawke and Tera. "Fighters get ready." the proctor said, as the four of them went into fighting positions. "Begin!" The proctor yelled. "Follow my lead Chill!" Coldfront told her as she nodded her head in accord, as it showed Chanzu staring at coldfront. Coldfront then dashed towards the left and chill went right, as Hawke and Tera did the same. Coldfront and Hawke then went into hand-to-hand combat as well as Tera and Chill. Coldfront kicked Hawke twice sending him flying, and he immediately charged at Hawke as it showed the leaders looking on. Hawke then caught himself from falling, and elbowed Coldfront in the abdomen, then spun around to Coldfront's backside and dropkicked him to the floor. Meanwhile, Chill and Tera were going all out, as Chill was trying to land an attack on Tera, who then started teleporting and landing hits on Chill. First a punch, then a kick to the back, and finally a butterfly kick. Chill then went down to the ground, as Tera did a round-off back tuck (backflip), then teleported mid-air while Chill stood up. Tera appeared and finished the back tuck and kicked Chill to the back sending her staggering.

Suddenly, it showed Coldfront and Hawke, Hawke did a high kick, as Coldfront did a backflip evading the kick; when landing, Hawke did a leg sweep sending Coldfront to the ground. As Coldfront got up, Hawke did an uppercut sending Coldfront to the ground once more, then Coldfront immediately did a kip-up. Chill then was pushed back next to Coldfront. "The mysterious Coldfront.....his chi is at the same level from when I met him back at the meeting, don't tell me I got excited about nothing?" Hawke asked himself. "These two are weak," Tera said to herself as well. "Impressive." one of the councilmen said, as it goes back to the fight. "I think you two should give up, no matter the circumstances, you both are out of your league, you see we have Spain as our leader, and our chi is continuously rising, sorry Coldfront, but you can't beat me, and New girl, you cannot match with Tera." Hawke called out. When suddenly, Coldfront and Chill both melted away. "what the!" Shiniko outburst. "What!" Hawke yelled, as the pods reopened when Coldfront and Chill stepped out and went into their stances. "sorry to keep you waiting," Coldfront said. "Woah! What just happened here? What a twist of events!" The proctor called out. "How?" Tera asked confusingly. "Before the match started, myself and came up with a plan, and that plan was, to create ice clones of ourselves while we analyze your technique and weak points in battle, Coldfront as a captain, is always three steps ahead of everyone, and the fact that you two acted on instincts alone, gave away your signature power moves, for example, after watching you Tera, I've noticed that your teleportation technique only last about 2 minutes max." Chill explained. "Very impressive indeed, he is something Zodiac," Spain added. "What an amazing battle plan by Coldfront and the new girl." psyches said. It then shows Chanzu staring at Coldfront. "You think you're so smart.....Analyze this!!!" Hawke yelled, as he charged at Coldfront, who threw an ice ball at him. Hawke then dodged it as Coldfront ended up in the face of Hawke and punched him in it, then formed ice on his hand and clobbered Hawke in the face once more, as he went flying. He then charged at Hawke and formed ice and yelled, "Cellular Disintegration!" As ice imploded from Coldfront's hands and froze Hawke's body, as Coldfront was running full speed. "I....I can't move." Hawke struggled to say. "Don't Underestimate Me!!!!!!" Coldfront yelled, as ice formed on his hand again. Then Punching Hawke in the face that sent a wave of energy through the arena and knocking him out. "Woah what energy!" Spain said, "His chi it's in...incredible." star pointed out. "This guy is something else," Rayden added with a smirk on his face, as it showed Chanzu again. Then it showed Chill's clone punching Tera, followed by the real Chill doing the same thing Coldfront did, she formed ice on her hand and punched Tera with a straight jab knocking her out. The crowd then went wild with cheers. "What an amazing final round!, and your winners, Coldfront and Chill!!!!!" The proctor added as everyone continued to cheer. "Make sure to come back and witness the Quarterfinals tomorrow." the proctor announced.

Back to Amy, Billy, and Lee

Amy was asleep, as well as lee, and Billy was on the lookout. when 2 ninjas appeared in a distance, as Billy noticed, an started hopping in a tree and dashing towards them. Seconds afterward, he met up with them. "Who are you?" He asked still in a tree, as one of the kid ninjas responded, "we are the cobra clan, and this is our territory, and you're in it, now get lost!" He demanded. "When the rise of the sun is here, then we will leave" Billy added.

"Leave now......in fact, hand over that scroll that's in your hand." the ninja said, as Billy replied, "I cannot do that." "So be it, after we defeat you and take the scroll, we will handle your resting buddies over there." the ninja said, as Billy went into his fighting stance. "If it's a fight you want, then a fight you're gonna get...prepare yourselves!" Billy shouted. Billy chan ran up to the ninjas, as they cast a smoke bomb leaving Billy coughing, "huh." Billy said to himself realizing that they had vanished. Billy was then checking his surroundings, and out of nowhere, one of the ninjas kicked Billy sending him to the ground. Then the other ninja came from out of the ground hitting him in the stomach sending him mid-air, then the other came down on Billy's back with his foot, sending Billy back to the ground. When one held Billy, as the other was punching him in the abdomen when Amy came to the rescue but was quickly kicked to the ground. Billy couldn't do anything but watch because he was being restrained While the other ninja kicked Amy in the stomach. Billy then released himself, by elbowing the ninja that was holding him in the stomach, when he flipped over the other ninja in front of a weakened Amy and was clenching his fist. "Enough!" He said angrily when suddenly, a kunai was thrown from above when everyone looked up to see an angry Lee chan. "huh?" One of the cobra ninjas said. "you hurt my family....I HURT YOU!!!!!" Lee yelled while jumping out of the tree and tearing at the ninjas. Lee chan was filled with rage, as his body began to create a red aura; he then kicked one of the ninjas and sent him flying back into one of the trees, as he slowly looked back at the other ninja. "You..." Lee stated with anger hitting the ninja in the jaw sending him to the ground, as Lee elevated to a summer-sault and landed on the ninja, as his character began to change. he then started punching the ninja in the face. Abruptly, the ninja escaped and caught Lee by the throat sending him to the ground, then hopping in the tree and started fleeing. Lee then kipped up and was looking for him, then spotting him fleeing, as Lee quickly threw some shurikens at the ninja, then went after him. "GET BACK HERE !!!!" Lee shouted.


Billy and the other ninja were in hand-to-hand combat. When Billy did a leg sweep on the ninja, then did a butterfly kick to his face, as the ninja dropped to the ground and Billy went into his Shotokan stance. (a form of martial arts). The ninja stood up and hurled a punch at Billy, who then deflected it, and speed punched him in the stomach, then giving him a tremendous blow to the stomach knocking the ninja out.

Back to Lee chan, who was in pursuit of the leader ninja. "GET BACK HERE COWARD!!!!!" Lee yelled with anger, As he dashed and went in front of the cobra ninja punching him in the face sending him flying back. Lee then thought about Nightmare killing his parents in a flashback making him, even more, angrier, as he charged at the ninja punching him in the abdomen, then kicking him in the face, then Lee chan ran towards the ninja and hit a hurricurana on him.


Billy and Amy ran towards Lee who was on top of the ninja, giving him thunderous blows to the face repeatedly. As Billy quickly ran in and blocked lee's almost attack on the cobra ninjas damaged face. "Enough brother," Billy stated, as Lee's eyes were filled with rage. "You murdered my family....you monster!" Lee angrily said to the ninja while still on top of the ninja, as teardrops fell from lee's eyes. "I don't kno.....know your family..." the critically damaged ninja replied, as Amy was shocked and saddened at what Lee said as well as Billy. "br....brother....that's n....not the monster...." Billy answered, as the red aura began to disappear from around Lee, as thunder was heard in the background, as it also began to rain. " you were blinded by rage brother. You've got to snap out of it, he's not nightmare... let's go." Billy added as Lee stood up, "I'm s....sorry." Lee hesitantly said, as the ninja was unconscious and they took off.

Hours later,

they made it to the designated location. "Thank you for this.....this scroll is very important, please thank master Zang Yongnian for this Intel." One of the Guardian ninjas said as Amy and Billy were standing in front of the guardian ninja and Lee standing by the window shocked at what he had done, looking at his trembling hands. "Wh.....what have I done?" Lee said to himself, as he added. "I...I'm the monster; I failed you, master, you told me anger will cloud over my mind an now, I'm suffering d....defeat." Lee added, as he looked at his brother and Amy who was kinda distancing their selves away from Lee, as they all left the area seconds later, but this time walking. Lee was in front of the two who were 5 yards away from him staring at Lee.

Meanwhile, at the Red Dragons lair...

"Lord Apocalypse sends his condolences," Pulse added after taking the sword out of master Zang Yongnian. "......" Zang Yongnian just fell to his knees holding his wounded chest....." It's only suitable that I don't kill you just yet.....I need answers old man," Pulse added. "I know you sent out a scroll to the guardian ninja concerning the ball of tranquility, now tell me.... where is it located? Tell me and I'll make your death quick." Pulse added as Zang Yongnian coughed. You were at one time a fellow Ally of this clan James (coughs).....how dare you betray us, (coughs) I guess you just like killing your family.....how disgraceful, you bite the hands that feed you." Zang said.

"Nonsense, old man, now die!!!!!!" Pulse said as he cut off the head of the leader of the red dragon clan. Your body belongs to the waste now." pulse said, as Zang Yongnian fell to his death. When 5 red dragon ninjas ran in, "master Zang Yongnian!...you must pay!" One of the ninjas yelled as they all charged at pulse. As they all got close, pulse jumped in the air, and while in mid-air he was doing a full, (a spinning backflip). sending shurikens at the ninjas, as they blocked the oncoming collision, as pulse landed and murmured, "enhanced assassination." as he targeted all 5 of the ninjas and quickly took them out. "Hmph," he added, as he retreated before more ninjas came out.

Hours later,

Nightfall had approached, and Lee chan and the others had returned home when they saw one of the red dragon ninjas standing out front waiting for their return. "What's wrong Codozon?" Amy asked as they approached him. "I'm sorry lady Amy, but...master Zang Yongnian, was assassinated hours ago by one of his students," Codozon added as Amy drew tears from her eyes as well as Billy. Lee then ran inside, "Master Lee!" Codozon yelled as Lee ignored him and saw the dead body of his master. As his eyes grew wider and tears drew from his eyes, "n.....no....No!" He cried with anger and sadness. "it wasn't supposed to be like this." he added in tears, as the ninjas stooped down and teleported the body of master Zang Yongnian out of sight. "Sorry master Lee." one of the ninjas added.

Somewhere unknown.......

"Sorry.....I had to take care of a little personal business sir." Pulse added talking to Apocalypse. "Plans are beginning to change Sir, Lord Virus is getting ready to make his move in the headquarters of the Formaxion compound, I shall rendezvous with him thereafter the business is done. So I'll be heading there covertly in a matter of time." Predator said. "Is that so?" Apocalypse asked. "Word is that a baby is being talked about, and the parents of that baby will give her something special when he or she gets a little older.....the secondary heart that holds a tremendous amount of power, once held by....an get this, held by James and zenith's brother." predator responded as Pulse's eyes had gotten huge, "ahhhh I see....we will discuss more this in the future, but for now we worry about the shadow wolf Coming into fruition; I Need that done and also this targeted Coldfront kid, I will also arrange for him to be killed after, so we can obtain that power back, that is if the Wolf doesn't get to him first, and I know the man to assassinate the holder," Apocalypse added as an ageless man walked out of the shadows. "His name is Victor, also known as Face. He doesn't age and...he has wiped out over 2,000 people without a speck of blood.....I want Coldfront dead....an bring his body to me where I can retrieve the wolf myself." Apocalypse added as the chapter ends.