
Chapter 39: WAR

"Attack!!!!!!!!" Spain yelled as everyone took off and began fighting, as you can hear the sounds of swords clanging together and screams of rage in the background. Spain was killing ninjas of the other side left and right. "Transcendence!" Zodiac yelled while killing two ninjas of his own. Then It shows a ninja being stabbed in the chest by the Nightmare clan. Virus was also attacking ninjas of the good side as well.

It showed Virus breaking the arm of one ninja and snapping his neck. The ninjas on the battlefield, some were fighting for more than Formaxion, they were fighting to protect their loved ones as well. Most had wives, Children, and even mother's fathers, and grandparents they had to protect.

"Fire Mount!!!" Five Pyro ninjas called out, as they started throwing fire flames at their targets. One of the Elite started fanning the flames away by creating mini tornados.

In the middle of the warfare, Spain was stalemating with Frost. "You all are gonna fall one by one!" Spain declared as he and frost went into their battle stances. They then dashed at one another and started an all-out brawl. Spain started punching him while "frost went into defense mode.

It then shows Zodiac battling with Warlock doom. They were equally matched, being because of Zodiac holding back. As the two went their distance, it immediately shows Zenith blocking and Counterattacking hits to at least five different ninjas. The ninjas were swinging precariously while Zenith was evading all attempts. Zenith then started utilizing his combat skills. He kicked two of the ninjas in the face, an uppercut to the other, then a spinning heel kick to the fourth ninja, and performed a dropkick to the other followed by a kip-up.

Shiniko was seen fighting with 10 cobra clan ninjas. "Come on!" He yelled while in his fighting stance. The ninjas all attacked at once, "Shadow instinct!" He shouted out as four shadows of himself took out all 10 ninjas.

Meanwhile, Negative Coldfront was showing no remorse to anyone on the battlefield. He executed a backflip and landed with both fists slamming into the ground sending a massive about of ice freezing multiple casualties. Negative Coldfront then held his fist in the air and clenched it, demolishing the ice and his enemies that were frozen. It then showed Recon throwing two kunai's that "killed two ninjas. "Dark destruction." She said, as Darkness was cast from her hands-on two Red dragon ninjas, once they were covered in the Darkness, you can hear the screams. After the Darkness left them, they were nothing but bones.

"Enhanced Assassination!" Pulse yelled as he executed a double backflip sending out electricity.

Everyone was fighting except Virus and Rajin, who was observing the battle from higher ground. "Do you suppose they will show?" Rajin asked while still looking at the fight. Before Virus could answer a ninja was coming his way when, Rajin summoned a lightning bolt that went through the brass ninja, killing him on the spot. "To answer your question, they will show up, they're too stubborn to just wait until it's all over." Virus added while observing Negative Coldfront's performance.

It then goes back to the fight, where Spain and Frost were both panting. "I'm impressed you lasted this long against an elite warrior, but now, I'm gonna show you why I'm the big dog." Spain declared when he teleported. Frost was looking for him all over, but couldn't detect him. "Spain's arms came from out of the ground and held frost's feet together. "Trigarion Obliteration!" Spain yelled when a gigantic Red orb was making its way from the clouds slowly. Frost being able to move his arms, started sending ice balls and icicles towards it, but it only made the Orb bigger. "You cannot escape my wrath!" Spain yelled.

The orb was now in close range of Frost, as he stood there and closed his eyes. The orb then consumed Frost, as Spain went back into the ground and came from underneath on the opposite side. "What!" Spain shouted as Frost was just standing there, then melting. His body was replaced by a Cobra clan ninja. "He killed his comrade to survive," Spain said with a look of anger while staring at Frost.

It then showed Warlock doom who cast his power on Zodiac far off. "Absolute Darkness." He stated, as everything around Zodiac was completely dark and also negating his senses. "What is this?" Zodiac asked himself while laughter was heard in the background. Without his senses, Zodiac was helpless. Warlock then took advantage of the situation and started attacking Zodiac.

After 10 minutes of torture, The Darkness faded away, and there Zodiac lying on the ground with blood coming from his arm. Spain then teleported towards him. "Brother!" He called out to no response.

It then showed the young heroes on their way and also, it showed Coldfront flying, when he discovered a new skill, Coldfront used telescopic vision to view the battlefield. He then saw Zodiac bleeding and lying on the ground. "Nooooo!!!!! Coldfront yelled with Rage while picking up tremendous speed, Heading to the battlefield with purpose now.

"Whatever that Power was, it took a toll on him, I should get him to safety." He added as he held his brother and teleported out of range.

"Excellent, Zodiac has been taken out with ease. But he will return, but as for now, I'll let you have fun dismantling the rest of these ninjas." Virus added.

As Rajin went down to partake in the War, Virus became a little unsettled. "A tremendous amount of power is headed this way." He said when flying full speed towards him was Coldfront. Coldfront then landed a powerful punch to Virus's face sending him flying back with rapid speed and landing on the ground. Virus then stood up and looked upward to see Coldfront staring at him. "It's so nice of you to join the party." Virus added with sinister laughter, as Coldfront just stood there.

"He has evolved even more since our last encounter." Virus said to himself.

"This Ends Now!!!" Coldfront yelled as his Chi started to rise. "Virus then went into the distance. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you." Virus added to himself while disappearing.

It then ends the chapter with Coldfront standing above everyone looking at the War taking place. "Virus." He stated with anger.