

Coldfront then hid behind a Buddha statue as the fire was still being thrown his way. As he was sitting there panting, Coldfront had a flashback of the simulation, where he was hiding from Zodiac, and his comrades dying. The flashback ended and Coldfront stood up.

When he stepped from behind the Buddha statue, he was hit by one of the flames.

Coldfront was in pain. "That's it, that's just a taste of death." Virus added as he ceased fire and started approaching Coldfront.

"Ever since you stepped foot into the organization, I just knew you were Zodiac's favorite student. So I had taken liberty into placing the shadow wolf inside of you. At first, I was gonna place it inside of Jack, but you....You was the one, and once my plan was successful, I thought for sure you was gonna be killed by the wolf, but then when you survived the attack, I had to change my plans into making Zodiac believe that killing you was the best choice, but of course, he was gonna say no. But here we're now, You who is about to breathe your last breath, and me, the Apex Predator." Virus added "as it showed Coldfront still screaming from the pain.

"And now to finish you off!" Virus yelled as you hear a loud thud. "Huh!" Virus said. Virus had thought he killed Coldfront when he stomped in his face, but only to be smashing the face of his ice clone.

The real Coldfront stepped from behind the Buddha statue angry. His eyes were golden again, also, he had a golden aura surrounding his body. Coldfront then quickly dashed and punched Virus in the face, sending him flying through the building wall. He then teleported behind Virus and kicked him followed by a spinning heel kick to his face. Virus then stood as they both stalemated one another not saying a word. They both then charged at one another and fought with speed all over the monastery. They were both evenly matched, Virus then punched Coldfront through the wall that lead downstairs. As Virus charged at Coldfront, he started getting the upper hand attacking Coldfront any and everywhere. Coldfront then started flash stepping while fighting Virus, every time Coldfront emerges, he attacks Virus. "It then started to rain outside, as the battle continued. Virus then went his distance, but Coldfront flew at him with full speed. When he made it to Virus, Virus clobbered him in the face and continued the assault on Coldfront, who then retaliated with a combination of ice punches to the face of Virus. Virus then executed three back handsprings and started throwing his black fire. Coldfront then evaded the attacks with speed and created three ice clones as a distraction. Coldfront then iced the floor, and slid to Virus and caved him in the face. Virus went flying back, but Coldfront caught him by the leg and started slamming him on each side of the ground. He then started spinning Virus with speed and launched him in the air.

Virus then landed in a body of water, as Coldfront flew in the sky as thunder was heard in the background and a strand of lightning appeared behind Coldfront.

Coldfront then flew in the water with velocity, he saw Virus and grabbed him by the leg and threw him out of the water, and into mid-air. Coldfront then flew out of the water and while in the "in the air, he started a wild frenzy of speed combinations and ended it with a blow to the face, that sent Virus hitting the concrete ground with force. Coldfront flew to the ground and landed while panting.

Virus then staggered to his feet. "Im….Impossible, I will not be defeated by a child." He said while panting as well.

Virus then did something, that he did years ago back at the tournament. He stared at Coldfront and made him see the future of what will happen after the war.

In Coldfront's eyes, he sees Virus killing Chill. Coldfront then snapped out of trance Virus had him in. "That's why you won't leave here Coldfront, because after I kill you, Chill is next, then the rest of the Formaxion." Virus declared as Coldfront began to change into the Shadow wolf.

"Coldfront then let out a massive Roar that had Virus sliding back while holding his guard up. Coldfront then quick-stepped and started whaling Virus in the face with Rage rapidly. Coldfront did not let up, he continued as both fire and ice formed on each hand that was clobbering away on Virus. Coldfront picked up even more speed punching him in the face and Roared. He then went his distance and executed an ice blast to Virus and ran on all fours and started rapidly punching Virus in the stomach. Virus then yelled as Coldfront went his distance and yelled "Avalanche!" As solid blocks of ice were falling on Virus. Coldfront was now back with the golden eyes and out of the wolf state. He then yelled, "THIS IS FOR THE FORMAXION!!!!!!!" While impaling him with ice blades. "Virus then fell to the ground coughing up blood. "How c…can I…..lose to a child?" He inquired. Coldfront's golden eyes faded, as well as the Aura. "You lost because I have something to protect, I have family and friends, that was counting on me to win, and most importantly, I am the future of Formaxion." He said. "It's not....over." Was Virus's last words before dying. Coldfront then fell to the ground and closed his eyes with a smile to end the chapter.