Chapter Seven

Bjorn's memories of the days encounter slipped by as a wave of cheers pounded at his eardrums. The men walking with him abruptly gave their goodbyes and spread out among the numerous fires. His men were a merry bunch, especially after such a victory. Their victory of the day came swift, and with it they were able to claim all the belongings the Brecks had brought with them on their voyage. Among the ships were hordes of treasures they had collected on previous raids, as well as women. Beautiful women.

Not only would the gold and treasures make them even more rich, the women would surely make them so much more enthusiastic about being trapped in the wilderness like hounds. Some of the women appeared to be companions of the warriors, full of fire and passion with his men who approached, passion that led to a few more of his men being injured. While others had been prisoners of war, the captives seemed hesitant in accepting his men. Perhaps fearful of remaining captives, except under a new keeper. Which in this case was true, they were spoils of war.

He had watched the loveliest of all the lasses being carried off towards his tent by his men. All the while they were spouting some nonsense about preparing the women for their victorious something, something, something. He never caught the last part of their chant. His soldiers stopped him periodically as he walked through the camp, the pitcher of ale in one hand that they all tried to refill when he passed.

The drink was plenty, the food was decadent, and the spirits of them all were lifted. Knut found Björn near a campfire, surrounded by his men who all commented on the glories of their leader. Knut patted him on his shoulder as he approached.

"Today was a good day Merkis." he said.

Björn shrugged, tilting his head to the side while staring into the blazing fire. "It was too easy. I want a battle that actually challenges me. Even when I take those fools on as I am now, they will not be able to put up much of a fight. That damn Breck went down after just a few punches, he had me all excited for nothing."

Knut snorted at him, rolling his eyes and refilling his pitcher again. "Lord Björn, you will most likely travel the entire world and never find someone who rivals you in power. Like your father, you cannot be matched."

Björn groaned, "No one can match me in sword play and none of my kinsman dare challenge me. It's boring."

Chuckling, Knut spoke again."You could always ask your mother for a rematch."

Bjorn's brows raised, "Do you want to see me dead?" They both laughed.

Knut picked up a pitcher of his own, taking a large swig before speaking again. "You need to relieve your stress, follow me."

His feet didn't budge until Knut grabbed the collar of his shirt and drug him backwards, the relationship of second in command and general was only a front. The two were close friends and got along well enough, so Knut never felt worried to show Björn exactly what he needed.

Björn waved sarcastically at some of the men he passed while being dragged along by Knut. "Where are you taking me damn it?"

"Somewhere where you can relieve some of your stress."

"I cant imagine anyone being at the training grounds with all the current festivities going on. Unless, what, are you going to spar with me old man?"

Knut grumbled at him the way old men do, "I am not as nimble as I used to be, let alone nimble enough to entertain you."

"Ill go easy on you." Bjorn smiled while Knut just gave him a knowing glare out of the corner of his eye. "So where are you taking me?"

"Just shut up and follow me."

"Are we at least going somewhere fun?"

"Sort of."

"Sort of." Björn mocked, and spun around in Knut's hold and looked at the direction they were heading. They were nearing his tent which was located in the center of the camp. It was the largest tent of all, tall banners hung from the doorway that was covered with white fabric, animal pelts decoratively cast about it.

"You're taking me to my tent?"

Knut nodded with a grin, "Aye."

"Are you going to read me a bed time story?" Björn rolled his eyes, assuming his men had scrounged together another feast for him. The last one was quite delectable, so he wasn't about to refuse. Nearing the tent, the two were stopped by the six dragons who had aided them in the battle earlier in the day. They all stood outside his tent with solemn expressions, and his concern grew immensely.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" he asked, pushing Knut away from him and forcing him to release the collar of his shirt. When his kin approached him with such serious expressions, he doubted their concerns were over nothing. His kin's worry, was also his.

"Björn," said the eldest among them, yet they were all still much younger than himself. "-we wanted to ask you for something."

Björn swatted at Knut who was still trying to drag him into his tent, his swing went unnoticed by Knut, however the fist he drilled into the man's shoulder did not. Knut grumbled something while rubbing his shoulder, walking away and allowing Björn to speak with the young men.

"Of course, what is it?"

They all seemed tense, nervous, and unsure if they should even ask their question.

"Cousin's, you need not fear me. Ask what it is you need to ask, I will not get angry with you." Björn's words eased their tension, and they visibly relaxed.

"We wanted to take a leave from the army for a period of time."

His brows narrowed together, he didn't understand. "Why?"

They looked among one another, "We want to take a chance on finding our lifemate's. We are all nearly twenty, it is time we found her and claimed her."

Ah, lifemate's. Björn thought. An individual destined for every dragon, male and female they are bound together by their souls and destined for one another by fate. A pair decided by the gods. A burden to any good man and every good warrior.

Björn sighed, his own opinion about the matter meant very little to his kinsman. A lifemate was everything to a dragon, especially a male. They could spend their entire life searching for her if they needed to, but when they found her: she became his world.

A dragon would give everything for his lifemate. He had grown up watching how devoted his father was to his mother, watching how blindly Theron had followed Astrid around despite how poorly she treated him. He had learned to hate it, the idea of ever having a lifemate.

It would be like chaining himself to a female for the rest of his life. Imprisonment. That's exactly how he viewed that relationship. Loosing himself to another, changing who he was just because destiny told him he needed to. He refused. Even if he found his lifemate, he swore he would never have her.

He would never dedicate his life to just one person like that, no matter what. He would forever live as a bachelor. However, he couldn't force his ideology onto his kinsman. To them a lifemate meant so much more, and he wouldn't keep them from that happiness.