Chapter Twenty-two

Residing on the hilltop near the grand manor was a large and beautifully designed stable. Oak planks and beams supported the large building, the lumber sealed a dark amber color. Artistically crafted, the structure included a long and paved walkway with red clay bricks neatly pressed into the dirt.

Eight spacious stalls lined the wide hallway, four on each side and residing within each of the oak stalls was a magnificent steed. With crafted iron bars that separated each horse, there was an elegant bow at the front of each stall allowing the horses to nod their heads at their visitor who leisurely walked down the paved path.

Björn paced back and forth, up the narrow ladder into the loft that was filled with fresh smelling dried grass. He'd retrieve a heavy bale of hay and carry it back down to the main level. Then divide the bales up amongst the horses who cheerfully nickered a thank you. Björn tended to the mornings tasks diligently, providing fresh water and grain to the horses before guiding his ghost-like horse from her stall.

Typically there was an errand boy from the village down the mountain side who would tend to these tasks. However, wanting to enjoy his time at home he had sent the young man away for the time being. As time consuming as the tasks were, he quite enjoyed them.

He'd seen to the departure of his parents and sibling early in the morning, watching his sister saddle her horse and trot away down the mountain. Seeing his father transform into the jagged scaled black wyvern that had terrorized the mortal realm for so long that there were numerous tales about him and his devastation to the world. Yet his son observed his spouse load luggage onto his back as if he were a pack mule, and then she proceeded climb abord his back where she sat between his wings. It was a sight many would never live to see, one how a delicate looking woman was able to successfully 'tame' the worlds most wicked monster. Except many who knew them would say his mother was more wicked than his father.

Now standing alone in the skillfully crafted stables, Björn secured his mares halter to the cross ties in the center of the alley. Gifting the mare with a delicious red apple that she swallowed in two bites, yet searched his palms for another of the sweet fruits. Björn's large hand patted the horses silver colored coat, his other hand working a bristled comb through her long and thick mane. Her summer coat glistened even in the shadows, even more so as he brushed off the stray dirt that itched her skin.

His soothing words eased the horse's naturally high strung nerves, his husky voice humming in singsong. Rising and falling between octaves, he sang a sweet song in a honeyed voice that came from deep within his throat.

"T'was early in the morning, thee sun was shining bright.

The air was crisp, thee sky was blue, and in the distance I saw you.

A maiden fair and sweet, one that I'd surely like to meet.

Her golden hair was lovely, her smile oh so gay.

She carried a basket of daisies, picked fresh from the hillside.

I smiled wide, now walking with the maiden by my side.

Courting her with gentle words, I even asked her to be my bride.

Now this lovely blonde haired lass, pummeled me to my arse.

So here I sit, in the ditch, watching her walk away."

Björn chuckled at the bard's song, forgetting the rest of the words to the tune as he patted his mare's neck. She bobbed her head up and down while listening to him. Her dark grey legs raised into the air, her hard hooves pawing at the ground. She snorted, blowing dust from her nostrils and causing Björn to smile with a soft laugh.

"Easy there lassie, you're alright." He cooed, resting his forehead against her cheek. Her brown eyes searched his expression, then her muzzle rummaged his pockets in search of another treat.

He rubbed her droopy lower lip, "Enough of that you pig, I don't have anything else for you."

Her insistent sniffing was interrupted by a thundering noise outside the stables, the noise resembling an erupting volcano that shrieked across the land. Whatever caused the ear piercing noise shook the landscape, sending quakes through the soil and unsteadying Björn's feet. The grey mare whinnied, rearing and kicking her feet in front of her.

Björn grabbed her halter, stroking the snippet of white on her face. "Settle down lassie, you're alright." He whispered. "Easy now."

He soothed her until she calmed down and stood on all four hooved feet, the whites of her eyes showing as she looked around panicked. He waited until she steadied herself enough that he felt comfortable walking away from her. Turning quickly on his heel and racing down the wide path to the main doors of the stable. He pushed the heavy oak doors open and darted outside.

The large manner a hundred yards away from the stable remained unscathed. The field between the house and barn was not in the best of condition however. To the far end of the ripened crops was a massive cloud of dust. Dirt had been thrown into the air, and in the center of the cloud a beast growled.

Björn approached the field slowly, his animalistic senses were heightened and his hair stood at attention. Within the large dust cloud, he could sense another of his kind. Another dragon, whose blood lust was at full bloom.

The beast growled again as he approached, and Björn felt his platinum colored horns erupt from his skull. Scales began to sprout from his flesh and his canines sharpened as he stared down the shadowed foe. His oceanic eyes swirled with his inherited powers, power that he was well prepared to use.

Baring his long canines at the intruder, he shouted at the dragon who still remained hidden behind the haze. "Show yourself!"

The hidden dragon hissed. Long, low, eerie. Björn felt his body begin to shift, he would meet his brethren in his true form if he must. No one, man or dragon could threaten him at his own home. He felt his muscles quake, his transformation beginning.

"Calm yourself… son of Eskil."