Chapter Twenty-five

Killian's gold eyes widened in surprise and immediately he lowered his head, spreading his wings to the point his chest almost rested on the ground. The siblings glanced between each other, just as surprised by the situation, then they glanced at Killian before repeating the gesture of bowing.

"Björn, the prince of our own, please forgive me for my transgression for I did not know it was you."

Björn shifted his weight, becoming almost frighteningly calm on his wings yet arched his neck tall and proud. He curled his long tail around his body, flexing the thick organ at its tip. The fan like appendage separated, revealing two sharp pincers that clamped together with a delightful snip.


"Please forgive me prince of my kin, had I known-"

"Had you known you would have still tried for our kinsmans life!"

Killian's scaled brow narrowed, "Your majesty," he said trying to use flattery to amend his prior insults. "I am terribly sorry to have met you under such circumstances. The creature behind you, he, he is responsible for so many losses of life."

Bjorn hissed like a snake warding off a predator. "There are many who are responsible for the death of our kin."

"I just want revenge for my lifemate's death-"

Björn interrupted him. "I know exactly what you want, and I forbid it." he stepped closer to Killian and the male stumbled backwards. "Berodach is a friend to my family, he is my friend and our kin. I will not let you harm him, do you understand?"


"Do you understand?!" Björn snapped again, this time biting down onto the air beside Killian's snout.

"Your actions today have led to our brethren on the brink of death and I do not know if I can save him. You have gone against the laws my father placed to keep order! To prevent this very thing from happening! I have every right to sentence you here and now, and your actions- all of your actions-" he looked at the three dragons who remained partly flattened against the earth. "-are punishable by banishment to Ginnungagap, to nothingness!"

The younger male snapped, "If killing him is punishable by banishment, then why hasn't he been banished too? He has killed more of our kind than any other!"

Bjorn's voice was threatening as he locked gaze with the male, and as their eyes met, the offenders quickly averted. "If every dragon was to atone for their sins from the war, our race would be extinct."

Killian flinched at the words, his head lowering further to the ground. He was regretting his actions, or more likely regretting being caught; and if he kept bowing to Björn, they'd have to dig his body out from the soil.

Björn sighed, attempting to relax as the tension in the air began to feel stagnant within his lungs. "Killian. I am sorry for you. I understand losing your lifemate is a painful experience, it is one that can claim your own life, it can claim your soul."

He stared down at Killian through narrowed eyes. "However, his crimes occurred during the years of war, and all crimes committed between our kin have been forgiven in a way. I know Berodach has done some terrible things, but my father nor I will not allow our kin to continue killing each other.

Killian sat back on his hind legs, his head still hung low. "Son of my prince, Björn, please allow me to leave unscathed today."

Björn locked eyes with him. "Killian, you are free to leave. Please, just do your best to forgive and move on. I understand it is hard, and I will keep my door open for you if you ever need to talk… but this, this bloodshed must end."

"I understand, thank you Prince Björn." Killian's expression seemed unchanged, he was still consumed by fury, by hatred, but he could not disobey the only lineage of royalty of their kind.

"Perhaps you can find a new lifemate. Our kind have been discovering mates among the mortals, so there is a chance yours is out there again."

Killian looked pained, but hopeful this time as his expression softened ever so slightly. "I would be delighted to find my Brana again."

Björn nodded at him, "Seek my mother, sister or myself out if you find her among the mortals."

Killian nodded back at him, "I shall. Thank you Prince Björn."

He turned on his wings and walked towards the twins, pausing and looking both of them in their eyes. The female sighed and turned to walk with him, while her brother stood with his body hunched to the ground. Trembling from rage with a vicious expression, his gaze never left Berodach's bleeding body that was still sheltered behind Bjorn's.

"I will never accept this!" He hollered. "I don't care what you say! I will never forgive him for killing our brother!"

"Brother," His sister said worriedly. "-we should leave."

"No!" He shouted, this sibling of an ancient was acting like a rebellious teenager. "Kill me too if you must, but his life is mine!"

Björn sensed what the male was about to do, and reacted to the dragon's attack. He lunged forward, his mouth open wide, prepared to sink his fangs into Berodach's exposed jugular. The sudden movement of gold scales rushed forward at a blinding speed, yet the shimmer of silver crashed into it and sent it tumbling to the ground.

Björn intercepted the young male, pushing him to the ground. Pinning it on its back and stepping on its thin neck with his large talon riddled foot. Björn's wings spread wide apart and he flashed his teeth while he glared down into the young ones eyes.

His twin shrieked. She rushed forward to try and defend her foolish brother. Yet the clatter of her massive body against the ground did little to distract Björn as Killian slammed her into the soil. It was a rough gesture, but by preventing her from intervening he was saving her life.

"Do I need to punish you instead?" Björn said menacingly. "I may have pardoned Killian for his actions today, but I have not forgiven yours. Do you want to be banished?"

"No! I'm sorry!" the male squealed.

"Do you challenge my authority? My rule? My command?"


"Then why do you disobey?"

"I'm sorry!" The deep draconic voice his kin possessed sounded delightfully comical when they were frightened or emotional. It almost made Bjorn smile, almost.

"Then back away now." Björn snarled. "If you want to attack him, you will first have to go through me, and I don't suggest doing that. Ever again."

"I won't, please prince, please forgive me."

Björn released him, watching as he slowly stood up and backed away with his head down. He retreated behind Killian, his sisters snout sniffing over his body to inspect for wounds.

"Killian, I shall pray to the Aesir that your lifemate returns in a new body for you. Mortal, or dragon. I only wish for my kin to be happy." he glanced at the siblings who now stood behind Killian shaking.

"You two, I apologize for the loss of your brother. So many of our kin perished during the years of war, and so many lost members of their family."

The three dragons all exhaled and looked down at the soil.

"Berodach was responsible for many of our kin's death, and he continues to pay for his actions every day. Is living with his sins not enough?"

They looked like they wanted to argue, however the held their tongues and looked away. Killian spoke softly, "We shall take our leave then young prince."

Björn snorted, watching the trio of dragon retreat to the sky. Abandoning their fight and giving up on the plan for revenge. He hoped it was not something they'd return for, yet if it was, he would stay beside his brethren to protect him until he was stronger. He heard Berodach groan and turned around to see him slump completely to the ground, a pool of blood having already formed beneath his body, one that was much larger than before.

"Berodach!" He said worriedly, allowing his emotions to overwhelm him and force himself to revert back to the form of a mortal. He rushed to his side and rested his hands against his rough snout. "You've lost so much blood, you're dying."

Berodach laughed, coughed, and spat up more blood. "A fitting end for a monster like me eh?"

Björn shook his head, "No! I forbid you from dying!" he glanced around, he knew he had the supplies to treat him in the homestead, but would it be enough?

"Unfortunately, little prince, you are incapable of healing me. Without your mother or sister, I am bound to die." Berodach seemed content with that, as if all the trouble he had taken to reach Libelle's manor was no longer worth it. She wasn't here, so perhaps this was the fates way of telling him he no longer had to live with his sins. He could die and enter oblivion, at least there his nightmares could subside.

Björn roared in frustration, "I can heal you! I have supplies in the house, I can-"

"The treatments for mortal ailments will not do anything for me, not in this form."

"Then I'll give you the form of a mortal so I can save your life." Bjorn argued, glancing at his soiled palms. His tattered clothes were being pushed across the grass by the wind, blood stained those already and now he stood nude and covered in someone else's blood. This wasn't the bloodshed he enjoyed.

Berodach's eyes widened and he snapped. "Never!"

"Don't be stubborn! If you accept the gift, then I can treat your injuries!"

"It is not a gift, it is a curse!" Berodach snarled, trying to rise to his feet and failing. His chin flattened the long blades of grass beneath it as he turned to look away.

The rough-back ancient was still one of the few who refused the gift of the gods, the magic that enabled dragons to take the form of a mortal. However, even as an unwilling participant Björn felt this was the only option he had to save his life. Without his mothers and sisters healing ability, it was either gift Berodach with a mortal body or watch him bleed out in the field.

"Berodach!" Björn snapped again, causing the green eyed dragon to look at him. Why was he seeing two of the young man? His consciousness was beginning to waver. "I am not going to let you die."

Berodach slumped forward exhausted and weak. His life force was draining fast. "You won't let me die peacefully will you?"


"You won't give me an option either, will you?" he could no longer move.

Björn stepped backwards from him and started running towards the house. "No!"

"Not like I can move anymore to refuse." he chuckled, his vision becoming blurry. "Best hurry then little prince. If you don't, I really will die."