Chapter Twelve

Istyn studied the newcomer. The man's emerald eyes shone from below his hat even in the dim light of the forest canopy. They stared intently at Istyn and the group as though trying to solve a riddle. "Alright then." The man began. "Anyone? Does no one want to answer? How about a different question then, who in Catal are you people?"

"They're with me, Verlass." Magda spoke up.

"Ah, a Tolacin. Well met. And you are?" His voice seemed to bounce as he spoke. The accent was different from Magda's, which seemed to slur each word together as though part of the same long-phrase, whereas this man's accent made him push hard against the plosives.

Magda wiped away a bit of spittle from her face leftover from the Verlass's diction. "I'm Magda Heleano from Spinavo. These are my friends. What are you doing crossing the border?"

"The borders seem to change every day, Magda Heleano from Spinavo. You'll have to excuse my impertinence, as I do not know which part of the land I'm in most days." The man smiled and tipped his green cap as he spoke.

He took the instrument he had played and placed it in a long sheath along his hip. The top of it which seemed to be made of wood he capped with a small piece of metal. Istyn presumed this was to protect the mouthpiece. He had never been one for musical instruments, though most of those that existed on Erridium were percussion-based and not played with the mouth like this one.

"My apologies, I am Bastian, formally of Fortstad, the Port of Athageo, and Tolacina." Bastian said with a smile.

"You're from Tolacina, how?" Magda looked shocked.

"One can be from all over if one does not pay attention to the politics of any given area. Now, the rest of you seem to have a different tale. Tell me, where are you from?"

Istyn glared at the newcomer. He had never trusted someone who smiled that much. It reminded him of Rewi before Lagi had died, and he knew too much about what caused Rewi to stop smiling to ever trust someone who did in excess. The man's expression changed as he looked at Istyn.

"This one doesn't like me already, it seems." Bastian chuckled.

"You sent those things to attack us." Elei countered.

"Ah, a simple misunderstanding, for that I do apologize." Bastian started. "You see, they are more of an alarm system than anything. Meant to provoke fear, but never to kill."

"They sure seemed like they were ready to kill." Sida muttered.

"To be fair, they do not actually exist. Would you like me to show you?" Bastian reached for his instrument and Istyn flared his Tatu.

Bastian stopped with his fingers touching the cover over the mouthpiece. "Now that is interesting. Tell me, how does this work? The Tolacin do not have any magic, and their religious beliefs have always forbidden the marking of the skin, so I have to presume you all are not from here, yes?"

Istyn extinguished his Tatu and grunted. "Something like that."

"You still haven't answered me, Bastian, why are you here so close to the border?" Magda insisted.

"That is a long story, and frankly I am famished. If you do not mind, I was getting ready to sit down for a meal of fruits and nuts and I have enough to spare?" Bastian indicated behind himself to a path that led through the woods.

Magda looked at Istyn. "What do you think?"

Istyn kept his eyes on Bastian. "He's one of your enemies, isn't he? This is your decision."

Magda scrunched her nose up in thought and Istyn couldn't help but feel a flutter as he thought of how endearing the sight was. "Lead the way, Verlass."

"Bastian is fine, may I have your names?" The stranger asked.

Istyn grunted while Elei extended his hand as the Tolacin did. The man grasped it around the wrist. Elei stated. "I'm Elei, this is Sida, and the grumpy one is Istyn."

"Is he your leader?" Bastian's eyebrows went up as he spoke.

"Something like that." Elei half grinned and Bastian returned the expression.

"Then follow me, my newfound companions. Tonight, we feast on things I found on the ground that I probably didn't step on!" Bastian laughed at his own joke.

Elei shrugged as he stepped in line along the path behind Bastian. The trees in this part of the forest were exceptionally tall. Istyn was used to palm trees and coconut trees on the islands of Vuna, so any tree that rose out of the ground longer than two body lengths was concerning for him. These seemed to go on until one could not discern the forest from the sky. The wind whistled through the woods as though carrying a song on the breeze. Ahead, Bastian hummed along an eerie tune in a minor key that made Istyn's hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Could you quit it with the music already?" Istyn bellowed.

Bastian went silent then looked back at Istyn who took up the tail of the group. "And why would I do that, oh grumpy one? Music is the essence of life. It is the constant striving for perfection that makes us one with the universe and all therein."

"And you use to it kill everyone you see." Magda chided.

Bastian lost his smile. "I can't speak for your experiences, and again I do apologize for any damage my pianbol may have caused you all, but I do not use music to kill."

Bastian's demeanor changed as he walked on through the woods. Elei turned to Istyn as they continued down the path.

"How's your arm? Fama?" Elei half-whispered.

Istyn noticed that Elei used the old language word for healing, Fama. It seemed as though the young Netsu did not want to give away to their new companion the full abilities of the Tatu. Istyn held out his arm to Elei who grasped it gently around the cut. The small lizard Tatu on Elei's right shoulder turned green as the healing energy found its way to Istyn. Elei's skin paled slightly as the wounds closed on Istyn's arm. The two of them looked up to see if their new companion had noticed, but the man just continued on the path humming to himself.

Istyn pulled back his arm. "Thanks. You have enough Fama to stabilize yourself?"

Elei reached into his pack and opened a pouch from which he produced a small green leaf the same color as his Tatu when it would burn. The fama plant grew in the volcanic soil of Tethi back on Erridium and was the quickest way for a healer like Elei to regain his strength after giving of his life energy to heal another person. Elei put the leaf in his mouth and chewed. As he did he burned his tatu slightly, closing his own wounds inflicted upon him by the conjured Pianbol.

"Nearly there." Bastian exclaimed as he approached a clearing in the forest where a makeshift wooden tent was erected near a campfire. The sound of a nearby stream babbled while the smell of fruit came upon Istyn as he took a look inside the tent at the bedroll Bastian used. "It's not much, I know." Bastian stated as he walked to the stream, cupped his hands, and drank from the water.

The rest of the group filled their canteens with the stream's water as Bastian opened a pack in his tent filled with dried berries and nuts. He pulled out a large bowl and scooped handfuls of the food into the bowl, took a few for himself which he threw into his open mouth, then passed the bowl to Magda. The group sat around the campfire which was not lit.

"One of you did light my pianbol on fire, so I'm assuming you may be able to light this as well, correct?" Bastian inquired.

Involuntarily, Istyn eyed Sida. Bastian took notice and smiled. "Perhaps you can use your talents to provide us with some warmth before the night takes us?

"The salt from the nuts gives the berries an… interesting flavor." Magda stated.

"I've gotten used to it." Bastian added.

Sida stretched forth her hands and emitted a small flame that lit the wood alight in the makeshift fire pit. Istyn watched Bastian as his eyes lit up.

"Interesting." Bastian leered.

"How long have you been in this forest?" Elei asked.

"Who's to say? Some years, I'd wager, though I can't claim to know the passage of time." Bastian stroked his goatee as he spoke.

"Yet you've managed to find time to keep your facial hair trim?" Sida asked accusingly.

"I've tried a number of different combinations over the years, though the goatee has always seemed to suit me best."

"Let me try a different way of asking as you seem to be adept at avoiding questions." Magda started impetuously. "Why are you here instead of in New Fortstad or some other Verlass city?"

"I see. Get comfortable, Magda Heleano from Spinavo and wherever else the rest of you are from, but after I tell you my tale, I expect to hear about your own." Bastian adjusted his position on the ground.

"I promise that all I am about to tell you is true. I must preface with this as I do believe that one of you may not fully trust all I say." Bastian eyed Magda.

Magda swallowed a mouthful of canteen water. "I'm more open-minded than you may presume, Verlass."

"Very well. I am Bastian, as I've told you, but moreover, I am also another, as I believe your people may have called me Reynard."

Magda's eyes narrowed.

"Ah, you see? She does not believe me!" Bastian spouted.

"Who's Reynard?" Sida implored.

Magda spoke up. "Reynard is the name of a man who betrayed the royal family and is ultimately responsible for their deaths."

"Is that what they say of me? I would hope it would be closer to the truth." Bastian gestured to his chest as though wounded.

"There are many people who have claimed to be Reynard over the years, why should I believe you, Verlass?" Magda queried.

"Perhaps you should not. From what I've heard, Reynard is a sly fox who would sooner slit your throat than let you speak. Then again, there are others who have said that he would rather poison your food and watch you die a horrible and agonizing death while he laughs like this! Haha ha!" Bastian let out a hearty laugh as the others looked down at the mixture of nuts and berries questioningly.

Istyn flared his Tatu as tendrils of dark energy emanated from his fingertips and slowly encroached on Bastian. The Verlass's eyes went wide. "This one doesn't know humor, does he?" His eyes pleaded with Magda.

Magda placed her warm hand on Istyn's bare shoulder. "Istyn, let him speak. I'm sure he doesn't mean to kill us. If he did, why wouldn't he let his monsters do it before?"

Istyn found the logic solid and the tendrils died out before reaching Bastian. The Verlass sighed. "The dark one over here needs to lighten up, no?"

None of the group seemed amused and Bastian let out a long sigh. "Alright fine. I am Reynard, but not in the way you assume. I was born into an aristocratic family and made an emissary of Fortstad when I was just a young man of twenty. I was given an assignment with a group of others to broker peace between the Verlass and the Tolacin."

"Peace?" Magda cut him off. "I've never heard of any peace talks."

"They tend to happen behind closed doors, I'm afraid. The politicly minded like to operate in secret, or at least they did then. From what I understand now, there aren't that many left. I was given a different name as we were not to let it be known that we were from such wealthy families. There were six of us including myself who were brought to the Tolacin court. It was there that I met Bela."

"Right, the stories say that Reynard seduced the princess then stole her away, but got caught." Magda remarked.

"Close, but not quite the truth. Bela had eyes for me first. Though to speak of it more truly, she had ears for me. She told me later that it was when she heard me play that she fell in love with me." He patted his instrument still in the sheath on his hip.

"We were of two different worlds, and we had only one hope of ever finding happiness, and that was through the peace talks."

"I'm guessing those weren't going so well?" Sida questioned.

Bastian nodded and shrugged. "There had been fighting for over two hundred years. Why would it change, right? Though things did change when Bela gave me the news. Our daughter was expected to be born just as I was meant to be sent back to Fortstad. We knew we wanted to be wed, but we couldn't find anyone who would be willing to do it. The union of a Verlass and a Tolacin was forbidden, and none would take the risk, and so we decided to run away together. We thought to make a life of our own with our precious child away from the fighting and the warring. Someplace we could all be safe until someday the war would end."

"So you ran away together?" Magda looked excited and Istyn noticed she still hadn't let go of his shoulder. "The stories I'd heard all said you kidnapped her."

"Far from it. No, Bela and I were in love and we knew that in order to be safe we would need supplies and those who could be loyal to us to keep us protected. We left Tolacina with a group of her closest associates who agreed to the lie that the princess had fallen ill and was being taken to see a healer. Instead, we went to Fortstad where we stole from my family enough gold to keep us fed and clothed. It was there, however, that the baby was born. Our daughter came into the world, not with a cry, but with a song. The royal guard was waiting for us. They took her that very night."

"Wait," Elei began. "Why would they take a baby? Did they know it was the princess's child?"

"Of course not, they knew that she was a diviner. The queen had seen it, and like all diviners, she was conscripted into the royal family."

"Conscripted? Diviner?" Istyn shook his head. "You're using a lot of fancy words, just say it plain."

Bastian swallowed. "They took my daughter and made her a princess of the Verlass because they believed her to be a diviner, one who can see the future. You see, our bardcraft allows us magic through the playing of musical instruments like this one." He patted his woodwind. "We can play spells that can create illusions which work better when played on drums. We can transmute objects that already exist, changing them into different things. This is mostly done on stringed instruments like the Viol. We can enchant people and animals, this is mostly done on plucked strings like guitars. There are also many like me who prefer conjuration, which tends to work best on woodwinds like this one. You could play any spell on any instrument, though they work best with those specific groups.

"Divination, however, can only be done by those gifted in the voice. Our daughter, as I mentioned was born singing. Bela and I had no idea what this meant, but when the royal guard came and took her away from us we began to understand. All those who are diviners in Verlass culture are taken from their families at birth and made part of the royal family."

"That's awful!" Elei exclaimed. "They don't get any choice?"

"Typically the families are well compensated for the conscription, but since Bela and I were working under false identities we ran before they could talk with us and discover who we really were. We hid with her consorts from Tolacina for a year, all the way concocting a plan to get back our daughter. Finally, we were set. We infiltrated the palace and took back our little girl in the night and ran. We were set to come here, to these woods, but we were caught, this time by the Tolacin.

"I was thrown into the keep for kidnapping the princess, but I wasn't there for long before my people came for the child. The palace burned around me and the wall gave way letting me free from my prison. I searched for Bela and our daughter, but I only found my beloved. She was barely recognizable from all the burn wounds. I buried her and the rest of the Tolacin royal family myself. I received word that the Tolacin fought back and killed all but the queen herself, burning Fortstad to the ground in their wake, but I never knew what happened to my girl. To my Lina."

Magda perked up. "Lina? Her name was Lina?"

Bastian sighed as he hung his head and nodded solemnly.

Magda picked up the man's chin, releasing her grasp on Istyn. "Bastian, I believe you, but more than that. I know where your daughter is."

The rains beat down hard on the animal hide canopy of the tent, making it harder for Istyn to get any sleep. The fire had died down an hour ago, and the Verlass conjurer had put up what he called warding spells that he promised would protect the group while they slept, yet Istyn couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He sat up and looked at the bedrolls where Elei and Sida were both sleeping. Sida stirred while Elei snored, but when Istyn looked to Magda's bedroll he found it empty.

Istyn sat up and crept out of the tent. He walked out into the leafy canopy and felt the raindrops fall onto his skin. Istyn looked up and felt an odd sensation. It rained often on the Vunan islands, often thanks to the Kiona like Elei, frost Tatu users who could manipulate the clouds to produce rain, but it missed that certain something. Istyn inhaled and felt his memory take him back to a time when he was innocent and pure, before his Tatu, before the portal walkers, before Rewi. Back when he was just a small child living on Vuna with his mother and father.

"It's called petrichor."

Istyn spun and impulsively summoned his Tatu to create swirling tendrils of black energy with a purple hue. He locked eyes with Magda and felt his heart soften. He extinguished his Tatu and she smiled at him. "What's that?" He asked.

"Petrichor. The smell of rain." She smiled at him then her expression turned to a frown as she noticed his demeanor. "You alright? You're looking a little pale."

"This just reminds me of something. Something I barely remember." Istyn grunted.

"Ah, the tales of a young Istyn. Should I get our bard companion to wake up so he can set the tone with his music?"

"Please, don't." He held out his hand.

She laughed.

"What are you doing out here, Magda? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I'm testing out an invention. Come here." She waved him over to where she had set up a small metallic dish that was aimed upward at the sky and moved back and forth. The dish was attached to a metal box with lots of different colored buttons and switches that Istyn couldn't even pretend to understand.

"That's nice… what is it?" Istyn stammered.

"It's a lightning detector. I've been working on it for years."

"And you just had this with you?"

"I brought it when we were headed to Montserrat. I usually ride in a caravan and spend the time tinkering away at my inventions, but Jeha prefers that we all walk. See this?" She indicated a small area of glass where a needle pointed at a color spectrum that ran from green to yellow to red. "If we are expecting lightning then this will change from green meaning safe to red meaning danger."

"So since it's at green we're fine, right?" Istyn pointed at the green part of the dial.

"Right, but if the scanner, this dish here indicates a change in the nitrogen levels around us, then it will turn red."

"Then what?"

"Then boom!" She laughed.

Istyn felt himself smile and decided against his better judgement to allow it to happen. The rain slowed to a drizzle as the camp grew quieter.

"So what's it all for?" Istyn asked.

"Lightning strikes are loud, right? They produce massive sound waves when the lightning strikes a given area. Those sound waves are the same that the Verlass use in their bardcraft."

"So lightning is magic?"

"More like thunder is. Every time there's a lightning storm there is wild magic that comes from it. It's unpredictable; sometimes it will create a magical pond where the water grants a state of euphoria to any that drink from it, and sometimes it destroys entire cities."

Istyn rubbed his chin feeling the stubble starting to grow. "That sounds like Onkui."

"What's Onkui?"

"It's the Tatu of light. There are very few Netsu who have been able to wield it, and even they eventually become ruptured. It's an unstable form of… we don't call it magic, but I suppose that word makes sense enough. It allows the user to move at incredible speeds, fire bolts of energy that destroy everything in their path, and even create a duplicate version of themselves if they move fast enough."

"That sounds incredible." Magda gasped.

"I've never seen it used before, though Talis has made it known she desires the Onkui."

"What's stopping her?"

"The Netsu council decides everyone who gets a Tatu and what Tatu they will get. The problem with Onkui is that it shatters the soul, if you believe that sort of thing."

"I'm guessing you don't?" Magda adjusted and sat down on the grass. She patted it and indicated for Istyn to sit beside her.

"I don't really know. I believe in what I can see. On Erridium there's Kutune in the sky, a large shining ball of metal that looms on the horizon. I can see it, it's real. There's the portals that were opened by the traveler. A man who came twenty years ago to our world and showed us how to create and open portals, claiming that his god showed him how."

"What about here? What do you think of all this?"

"I don't know much about your beliefs, and I will admit your science is more than I can understand, but I see stars." He pointed to the sky where the clouds were parting to reveal an array of blinking lights in the heavens. "There's no Kutune, so I believe this planet or plane or whatever you want to call it is far safer than ours. I believe that our mission is the only way to save our people, and that helping all of you will be the way to do that."

"What about me? Where do I factor in to all this?" Magda looked him in the eyes and he felt his heart racing.

"Where do you want to… factor in?"

"After this is over, what's the plan? You save our planet, broker peace or help us defeat the Verlass, then you all come to our planet, then what?"

"I suppose we ingratiate ourselves. Our culture with yours, our people with yours…" Istyn trailed off as he felt her hand touching the top of his.

She traced the snake Tatu on his right hand before putting her hand on his shoulder. Magda leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Istyn's lips. She pulled back and smiled at him. He felt his heart racing in his chest as he grasped her gently on her shoulders and brought her in for another kiss.

She is weak. She is nothing. You are power, Istyn. You are the future of the Netsu. Destroy her.

Istyn opened his eyes wide and pushed her away with more vigor than he intended. Magda fell onto her hands in the grass as Istyn shot straight up and looked around.

Magda grunted. "Istyn, what in Catal was that for?"

"You didn't hear it?" Istyn groaned as he felt the voice returning to his head.

Destroy her, Istyn. Show her what true Netsu can do.

"Hear what? What's going on? Are you okay?" Magda stood up and placed her hand on Istyn's shoulder.

He didn't think, he worked on instinct just as he had been taught. Tendrils of dark energy shot out of his body and wrapped around her arms, pulling her back down to the earth. Istyn growled. "Get out of my head!"

"Istyn, please! You're hurting me!" Magda whimpered.

A tendril of energy wrapped itself around Magda's neck and choked her. She sputtered trying to get out the words. "Please, please don't do this…"

"Agh!" He shouted.

"What's going on?" Sida's voice came from the tents and she and Elei saw the scene.

Elei raced forward with a dagger of ice toward Istyn. The dark user shot out another smokey grasping vine and pulled Elei to the ground. The dagger disappeared into water beside him as Elei felt the life leaving him.

"Istyn, stop it!" Sida shouted. She produced a flame in her hand which sputtered.

"He's ruptured!" Elei choked out.

Show them your true power, Istyn. Become the Netsu you were born to be.

Istyn looked at Magda with tears in his eyes. "No." He whimpered as he fought against his own power. He looked back at Sida with a pleading glance. "Do it."

Sida shook her head as her flame sputtered and extinguished. "I… I can't!"

A third tendril grasped Sida around her waist and pulled her to the ground.

"No!" Istyn bellowed.

His friends were dying in front of him and he couldn't control it.

Become godmade and take your place at my side.

Before his eyes came a vision, one of his parents on a ship as the waves tossed them around in the open ocean. In the distance there stood a small island, and on the island were two men, one light and one dark. He remembered the lightning that struck the mast and seeing his mother sink to the ocean floor after being impaled by broken wood, and his father who dove in after her, never to be seen again. He remembered the strange chromatic lights that brought him to another island, one where a slender Netsu covered in Tatu saved him, then sent him away.

Another feeling came to him. One of peace. The ocean in his vision changed and became still. The Tatuni put the young Istyn on their backs and swam him away from the darker man. The lighter one watched from the heavens, his face in the clouds themselves. The anger in that face had haunted him for years, and suddenly it was gone.

Istyn opened his eyes and saw he was still locked in a passionate kiss with Magda. The rains were falling once again. Elei and Sida both slept still in the tent. What had happened? Istyn didn't know. He pulled Magda in close and held her against his chest.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she listened to his heartbeat.

"Yes. I am now." Istyn responded.

Magda and Istyn held each other throughout the night without speaking another word. She would kiss him often and he in turn would do the same. There was a purity to it that was undercut by Istyn's mind which swirled as it tried to comprehend his vision. Who was the dark man adorned in Tatu who saved him? Who was the lighter man who became one with the sky? Istyn had spent his life only believing what he had seen, but there was no denying anymore what he had seen those years ago as a child. Istyn had met two gods that day. One had saved him, and the other one tried to kill him. In that moment he knew that he needed to get back to that island, to find the dark god, to return the favor bestowed on him. Istyn knew he had to save the creator of his people before the planet was destroyed and their history with it.