Chapter 53: Getting to know mother.

Anabella was getting ready for the party when her mother knocked on the door and walked into her room smiling.

“Honey, are you ready, the guests are here.”

Anabella couldn’t help feeling uneasy about her mother’s sudden change since her return, and tried hard to dismiss the uncomfortable feelings she experienced when her mother ventured close. She wasn’t looking forward to the afternoon’s party, and had no idea what to expect. The last time any birthday party had been given to one of them was when she was eight years old. Since then, nothing.

Her mother looked very classy in a pair of black slacks, and white lace top. Her long hair was pinned up on her head, except for a few wisps hanging around her face; she looked younger and beautiful to Anabella. Her mother had always been an attractive woman, but time had left its mark on her. Her once flawless skin was now hard from all the makeovers and unnecessary thick makeup.