When Anabella stepped out of the shower, eyes squeezed shut, she tried to grab the towel which she had left just outside the glass door, but when she couldn’t find it she opened them and shrieked in sudden shock.
Monica stood there with a big grin on her face and the dry towel in her hands; a welcoming face after the night she had.
Heart pounding in her chest, she glared at her best friend. “You gave me such fright.”
Before Monica could respond, Anabella was in her arms, crying. Her friend wrapped her securely in the towel and held her clumsily―the height difference making it awkward―but in spite of that, she found a way to hold on. Aldrich had phoned her at the guesthouse earlier that morning informing her of the incident. She was furious with the demented person who had tried to ruin her friend’s holiday, so she’d rushed to the beach house and made it to the bathroom in record time; she knew Anabella wouldn’t mind.