Part 2: Chapter 10: It must be a vision.

At the lift, she felt him before he stopped next to her. A tantalizing shiver danced up her spine as she watched him with keen interest.

Dressed in black pants and light grey stripe shirt with no tie, he had an impressive posture. A military man, she was sure.

Although different looking from the morning, her heart acknowledged him. Her face heated as their eyes met, and her body reacted in recollection of their closeness only hours ago.

They waited for the doors to open. Finding a bridge to cross kept them quiet, their eyes searching as their bodies remained stationary.

"Curt," he said.

"What was that?"

"My name is Curt." She laughed softly.

"You look stunning, Sonia," his voice caressed her.

"Thank you." The doors opened and he followed her. Shoulder to shoulder their reflection revealed more than what she was comfortable with, his features under a spotlight. She liked what she saw, drooling at the sight.

"Are you going to the restaurant?"

She nodded a yes. "Can we sit together?" The intense stare said more than the question implied.

"Yes, why not, since we are on kissing terms," Sonia added. This time he chuckled. The deep sound caused her to smile.

"Sorry about that, but it's your fault."

"How so?" She grinned.

"You are too beautiful, and I couldn't resist."

"So, you're easily tempted?"

"Only by a beautiful woman."

"And does this happen often: tempted by a beautiful woman, I mean?" Jealousy winked at her. Averting his stare, she berated herself for the runaway emotions. Do not jump to conclusions.

"No, not often." He squinted as if thinking hard and then met her gaze … serious.

"Only once," he clarified. Raising a brow he continued, "with you."

Her heart stopped for a second. He closed the gap, squashing her against him.

"You are hard to resist, nymph of the pool."

"And you are a fine-looking man," she whispered.

His head lowered. This time she met him halfway. When their lips touched, the doors opened.

Awkwardly they stepped aside when an elderly couple joined them. The couple's perceptive smiles underlined their emotions. He continued to hold her, his closeness profound and exhilarating.

Once seated in the restaurant, Sonia had an unobstructed view of the ocean. The panoramic sight, a bonus of a perfect evening, still young.

"We are lucky to have this table," Curt remarked.

"We sure are?" The place swarmed with couples, but when Curt leaned over, all dashing, Sonia forgot about them. Their fingers abruptly cut out the rest of the world.

"This day feels enchanted."

"Once we wake, it will only be a dream."

"Indeed," Sonia agreed. Is this really happening?

"Then we must make the best of the dream."

"I don’t believe in soulmates, but if it was true, then this experience just changed my opinion," she admitted.

Their eyes met: "Soulmates. This is new to me. Even my actions are unnatural."


"Brazen with a woman."

She laughed softly. "I must admit I have never kissed a stranger. Not like that."

"If I did not act, this conversation would not have happened. I would have admired you from a far. It felt right."

Her life had changed forever, she was sure. Listening to his recollection made things clear.

"I will love to spend the weekend with you. Get to know you. Will you mind?"

"No, I will not mind. I will like that very much."

His presence sealed a void Sonia suppressed for twenty-five years. His soul's window showed they agreed. It was not meaningless words. The more they talked, the more the connection grew. A love story in the making.

The hero and heroine met, fell madly in love and together they conquered the dragons. The steep castle walls were no match, and all the trouble disappeared.

Could it be true?


He wanted to be honest with her. She would leave the moment he confessed. His desires cloud his senses. The brief kiss in the pool hooked him.

But can you trust her?

Why not?

You have no idea who she is. He scolded himself and leaned back. It severed the intimate closeness.

She whimpered, a quiet sound which echoed his own loss.

He struggled with Vivian's betrayal. Still did. To be this possessive was unlike him. Since his undivided attention he discarded his bitter emotions. What mattered was the present.

Once again he connected with her and took the smaller hand in his own, the tan covered righthand sported a faint beauty spot on the side. She was not a child anymore - a working woman that enjoys the outdoors. Long delicate fingers enfolded his own, nails short and neat. All of this he took in as he watched her.

"Is this your first visit to the island?" he inquired when their wine arrived.

"Yes, but not my last. It’s a magnificent place."

"Yours?" She inquired …,

"Also my first. How do you know this place?"

"A friend planned the trip," she explained. "The pressure of work kept me busy. I am grateful she did."

He planted a kiss on the knuckle. "I'm so glad I met you, Sonia. The meeting is unusual for me, but I feel at peace with you."

"Me too. As if it was always this way."

Both sipped their wine quietly. Their thoughts an open book for each other. When he squeezed her hand, she blushed.

"I never thought it can happen like this," she admitted.

"Make two of us. Life can throw some nasty curveballs but this one I like."

"Really?" Her doubts surfaced.

Her question floored him. How could she be doubtful of a man's attention?

"Yes, I do. I'm thrilled meeting you, can't you tell?"

The momentary expression on her face spoke of mistrust: pain lurking in the depths. She tried to cover it by scanning the interior.

He should set things right, but how? This could only lead to more pain, for both of them. And he would be the snake. He squirmed when the emeralds returned and settled on him. He should walk away. He should do the right thing. He cleared his throat, but she spoke first.

"I am long past the schoolgirl crush. Once you have been burned, one tends to hide away. Love becomes a yearning buried so deep that you don't recognize it."

This time he looked at the woman. The bitter lines round the mouth, the tense shoulders, the white knuckles which held the glass. All signs she was not at ease.

"Please look at me, Sonia." He began, unsure of his own thoughts.

She turned back to him, the eyes shadowed.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me. I want to be the one that shelters you from the storm and gives you peace." He did not know where the words originated from, but was okay with it. This woman mattered.

"You are doing things to me I have not defined accurately. Please believe me, my intentions are honourable towards you."

Her evaluation of him unsettled him, but he could not walk away. Not now.

"Please talk to me?"

"Love does not come easy to me. My life is one long wail of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams."

"Do you think this is love?" His heart raced, expectant of her answer. He could give her nothing, and his heart was squashed. Could he trust her?

"I don’t know. My track record is one big blot of black." She took a sip of her wine, pressed the serviette against her lips and something broke in him. He wanted those lips on him.

"We are two strangers in paradise. We don't know each other, and I will be honest. Until moments ago I was ready to leave, but listening to you my heart opens. It is ready to be filled again."

In all his life he could never understand love until that moment. All thoughts of flight filtered away and he leaned forward. "If I give you my heart, will you take care of it?"

Big emeralds considered him. She leaned closer, their lips a breath away. "Can we give each other this weekend? I need to be sure, please."

He closed the gap, lips meeting. His body reacting, his heart rejoicing. He felt elevated as he whispered, "I will love that." And sealed it. A delicate promise of a budding love no one asked for.

When she pulled back he squeezed her hand. The change in atmosphere a touchable entity. The couple had no idea what to do or how to react. Their solitude a practiced shield of protection they erected once again. However, the yearnings of their heart could not be denied.


To break the silence Sonia opened the first pamphlet. Heads together they pinpointed the historic sites they wish to visit.

When their food arrived, they enjoyed the interesting flavours mixed with Mediterranean extravagance. The food was prepared with perfection.

Arm in arm they followed the well-lit gardens around the pool till late. Deck chairs had an unobstructed view of the black waters and he pulled her into one. Together they enjoyed the harmony of nature as their souls connected at the very core, and fell asleep.

It was well after midnight that they returned. At her room he kissed her. It was a chaste kiss - delicate, with no demands.

"I will see you in a few hours," he said before letting her go.