Part 2: Chapter 20: An unwanted pregnancy

6 May 2019, Iraqi desert.

"You are sure about this, Pumpkin?"

"Yes, Daddy," Jillian McGee confirmed.

Curt was in contact with her doctors who verified Neil Davies's paternity. He reflected much about this. There were many things wrong in his family. The fact that he wasn't at home made matters worse. How to fix them was his primary concern, his daughter on the forefront of his mind. The thought that Jillian was not honest with him - plagued him. The phone call just proved she was honest. But, and this was where it became tricky, finding a noble way that would help mother and child.

Norton assured him the news would clinch the divorce case. The situation could turn ugly if not resolved. He'd rather not expose Jillian to the system. Neil Davies was an influential businessman. He would attract attention when this news goes public.

"What are you going to do, Pumpkin?"

"Dad, this is hard. My life is over. All my plans, my dreams," she sobbed.