Part 3: Chapter 65: There was no peace at home

San Diego, California, United States.

Curt spent the second night with his children alone. Vivian left shortly after supper to show potential clients a new house, but she only arrived back after 04h00.

"Who sees a house at ten at night?" He was restless since she did not show.

"Don't worry about it, Dad."

"Thanks for supper," Jillian said as she kissed him goodbye.

"We are used to it. She will be back," Mark said as he greeted him.

In the living room he took a seat and prayed. His heart was breaking - she did not even try. By the time he stopped, he heard the key in the door. She passed him and seconds later the main bedroom door closed. His heart was heavy with the treachery in his own home. Exhausted he finally fell asleep. Two pain filled emerald eyes reeled in front of him. A smoky daze covered the rest of her face. I upset Sonia, Curt thought as he lay awake.