Part 4: Chapter 80: 31 October 2019, Iraqi desert.

He dropped Sonia off at her room after twelve. She was exhausted. During the flight they got some shuteye, but with Curt's bulk it was hopeless to relax in the confined space. They decided to remain in their separate rooms until they made it official. Only then would Curt arrange for her things to move.

She still could not believe the wonder of it all, praising God as she gathered her toiletries for a shower.

On her return Doug met her with a boyish grin, handing her a note. "What is this?"

"Don't know, Ma'am," he said winking. "I am glad it finally came together."

"Thank you, Doug. Did he tell you anything?"

"No, but he is glowing," and she giggled.

"I never thought I would see the day the Commander would glow, but it looks good on him."

"Did he tell you his wife passed away?"

"We haven't talked yet. I assumed they completed the divorce and didn't want to pry."

"She passed away; almost lost his son in the same accident."

"Is he all right?"

"Yes, he recovered."