Chapter 24 - Kiema

"Shit, shit, shit." I snatched my hand back and covered my mouth to bury my own scream.

His body thrashed from the sofa to the floor as whatever had been inside him tried to get out. The sounds coming from his body made my stomach heave. Pops, rips, groans. It was a symphony of pain.

I couldn't leave him to deal with this on his own. I'd done this. I would fix it.

Ripping my psyche open, I found the place that held my magic. Pushing that spark from my chest into my hands, I settled them against his writhing chest.

His body stilled.

"Thank Gaia." I let out a heavy breath. "Please let this work." I shoved my magic into him.

Forcing it from my own body, I willed it into his.

It sank into his chest with a sigh.

Just before my vision went black, I thought I heard something.

But that couldn't have been right.

There were no animals in the house.