Chapter 36 - Ransom

Gaia, my body hurt. I felt like I'd been run over by a fucking semi. I stretched and became aware of the warm body cradled next to my own.

My cock shot to full alert as she wiggled her ass back against me, a low irritated moan rumbling through her chest. Running my hands over her hot little body, I wished I had the strength to do more than just feel her.


I felt the moment she woke. Her body stilled as if assessing her surroundings. Once she realized where she was, she sank into my body like she'd melted. This time when her ass pushed against my cock, she reached back and grabbed my ass, pulling me tighter into her body.

I groaned. "Ki."

"Let me take care of you." She rolled over in my arms. Pushing the blanket and towels off my body, she gently rolled me to my back.

I felt like my body was about to explode, in both good and bad ways. Drawing in a shaky breath, it caught in my chest when she rose above me like a goddess. Her honey skin dark gold in the morning light.