Chapter 40 - Ransom

The erection that had been pushing against Kiema's hip lost a little steam. For a number of reasons. Not the least of which was the idea that she wanted to take on her parents, and maybe even OTIS. From the set of her chin, she'd do it without anyone's help, too.

"Angel, that's going to be quite the project," I said.

"I know," she nodded. "But I figure with all of your help, I'll be able to help them. I can't let my parents be part of treating anyone the way they've treated me, Ransom. I just can't. That's working under the most positive assumption they're being treated even that well." She looked up at me, her pale gray eyes stark and fierce.

I wanted to throw her on the counter and bury myself inside her. Right here. Right now. No matter the witnesses.

For all her hesitation, she might not mind the witnesses either.

"We can add her parents to the work we're already doing, Ransom," Asher said.

Kiema flipped around to look at the screen. Asher shot her a wink.