Chapter 45 - Ransom

Everyone but Taryk sat around like idiots staring after the woman who'd just healed another of our ranks, chucked up a magical ball, and walked away like it was a normal Tuesday afternoon.

Five faces swung to look at me.

I shrugged.

"I didn't even get to take her temperature," Atlas said stupidly, staring at the trashcan in his hands.

I burst out laughing. I'd told her to be herself. She'd done exactly that.

"Do you feel any different?" Asher asked Atlas.

Atlas' gaze turned inward. "My stomach doesn't hurt; my lungs aren't heavy." He took the stethoscope from around his neck, fitted it to his ears, and listened to his heart. "My heart murmur is gone." He looked up, awe on his face.

"Right? My legs aren't in agony. My arms feel like I could lift a million pounds and not feel the strain." Asher did a couple of bicep curls.

I looked at Xander, Saint, and Taryk. Hints of jealousy darkened the happiness in their expressions.