Chapter 56 - Ransom

"Again!" I punched my gloved hands together, lifted them to guard my face. Taryk and Atlas had been silent since telling us they were headed back here. The waiting was driving me insane. If I'd still had wings, I would've gone after her myself. Not been stuck in here, no matter what Kiema said.

She was mine. I should've been the one to go get her. To save her from the horrors since she'd been taken from the cabin.

Saint rushed me, his gloved hands up and ready.

I stepped out of the way. His fist glanced off my ribs.

I had a longer reach, but Saint was faster than a demon. He slid to the side as I returned the blow. The edge of my glove brushed against the end of his nose.

He raised his knee, slammed it into my side.

I inhaled the pain with a grunt. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him bouncing on his feet. He didn't go for the kill shot. The bastard.