Chapter 60 - Saint

I rushed back into the room that held Lukas. Wrapping my hand around his wrist, I yanked him to follow me. He groaned as he clutched at his stomach. Stumbling behind me, I half carried him out to the hallway.

"Touch him." I pointed at Asher's bear.

Lukas leaned down, another pained groan flowing from his mouth, and touched Asher without another word.

Awful rips and groans, tears and screams emerged from my rapidly changing brother.

Xander woke at the first tearing sound. He pushed back as far as possible, a horrified look on his face. "What the fuck is happening to Asher?"

"I think Saint has some questions for him that he didn't want to wait for answers over the implant," Taryk said, a hint of a chuckle in his voice.

I snarled at the man behind me.

Asher lay naked, panting and retching on the cold concrete floor of the lab. "The fuck, Saint?" he said between dry heaves.