Chapter 62 - Ransom

"How long have they been like this?" I snapped at Lukas.

"At least twenty minutes. I thought he'd let go." He held his hands up in defense. "I put my hands back on both of them. Nothing was happening, so I took my hands off." He dusted them twice, raised them in the air.

"Atlas. We've got a situation," I called down the mental line.

"What's wrong, Ransom? We're brainstorming how to get Kiema's magic back." He sounded pissed as he pushed through the doors to the infirmary.

"I came in after I saw Lukas acting weird. Turns out Saint touched her without Lukas nulling her magic."

"Fuck." He rushed to the far side of the exam table. Pushing Lukas out of the way, he read the printout of the machine hooked up to Kiema. "Wait."

I looked up. Atlas' brow was scrunched. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She should be awake. All of her vitals are normal, her temperature. Her O2 count. Her skin and lips look full and plump." He reached out.