Chapter 69 - Ransom

"Fuck." I leapt forward, catching Kiema as she was forcefully thrown from the magical outburst of Taryk changing.

"Well, fine, you douche. I didn't want to be in there anyway. Asshole," she muttered as she dusted off her hands.

The huge black panther splayed on the floor didn't really bring to mind the idea of insults or taunting. Rather, it made me want to run into a room with a steel door that had a fantastic lock and call animal control.

"You okay, angel?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of Taryk in his new form.

"Yes." Kiema sounded irritated, but not in a sexy kind of way. I was afraid for Taryk when he turned back into a human. My angel sounded like she wanted her pound of flesh. "That twat waffle was fighting me the whole fucking time." She leaned forward, out of the ring of my arms.

"Hear that, Taryk the Twat Waffle. See if I ever help you again." She lifted her nose into the air and went to sit by the still blissed-out Xander and the howling Asher.