Chapter 71 - Atlas

I pulled my paws from the table as I shook out my fur. My nails left long furrows in the tabletop. Damn it. I was going to have to replace that.

"Atlas? You in there, buddy?" Asher called.

My eyesight was so clear in this form I could count the individual strands that comprised his eyebrows. Immediately, I started formulating ideas on how I would be able to test the differences. What made the same set of eyes work differently in different forms? Would I be able to somehow apply the wolf's vision to my human form?

I inhaled. "Damn, boys." I snorted. I needed to get that stench from my nose. "You stink." I chuffed.

"You're the one who's a big dog at the moment, Atty. Not us," Asher smiled, crossed his arms.