Chapter 77 - Atlas

I climbed into the military vehicle, medical bag in hand. I set it on my lap as Taryk pulled out of the lab's bay doors. I rubbed at my hands. I know they didn't have literal blood on them, yet. But the idea that I'd taken those lives, without knowing them, without being able to look in their eyes shredded me. I'd gone into medicine to help those who needed healing. Not kill those who threatened me and mine.

And that's what it came down to. They threatened my family, Kiema, my life, my livelihood. I could live with the stain against my soul for that. For them. For us. For me.

"Okay, bro?" Taryk asked quietly from the driver's seat.

I nodded my head, continued to look out my window.

"I'm here if you need me."

I nodded again. He'd been there the first time I'd had to protect us this way. I knew he would be there every time it came down to us or them. I thanked Gaia for that. Even as I prayed I'd never have to protect us in this method ever again.