Chapter 81 - Xander

I moved around the island, kneeing Atlas' wolf form out of the way so I could stand by Kiema. Setting my hand on her shoulder, I tried to relax and will my tiger out.

Nothing happened. Although I hadn't really expected it to, it was still a disappointment when it didn't work.

Ten/Saint smiled at me. "Think of your tiger. He will be located somewhere in your body. Typically, I've been told, spirit animals feel either like a cozy cage or like a deep pit. You've always known this was in your body, you've just never had a way to access it. When your tiger pulled from your physical form the first time, it would have felt like a void of some kind. Made you itchy or uncomfortable even if you might not have recognized it as such at the time."

I knew exactly what he was talking about. And he was right, I'd felt it my entire life. It felt like sticky gossamer threads that encased my whole being.

"Okay. I got it."

"Close your eyes."