Chapter 86 - Asher

Oh no, don't worry. You just need to feed everyone brunch. It can be whatever you have on hand, Ash. We're not nearly as picky as you are.

I snorted as I scavenged my fridge and pantry. "The heathens wouldn't know a good meal if it bit them on the asses."

Looks like we're having omelets, bacon, toast, fruit, and bagels.

I looked up from the skillet as the elevator door opened, admitting my first diners for the day.

"Ki-Ki, Ransom, grab an apron if you want. You're on kitchen duty."

"Damn it," Ransom said softly.

I smirked when I heard him say, "oof. What? He's a demon when it comes to cooking. Let's go back upstairs and I'll eat something much better than he can serve. I promise you'll like it more, too."

The sound of flesh hitting flesh had my smirk widening into a full-blown smile. "That's right, Ki-Ki. Don't let him drag you off for more ravishing. You deserve nourishment and sustenance."