Chapter 88 - Kiema

I looked at Asher, he shook his head, shrugged.

This is another beautiful example of wishing I had one of their stupid implants.

"Who's your mate?" I asked Aeron.

He grimaced at me, didn't answer.

"Ah, nighty nighttime, yeah, camper? No worries, Doctor Atlas, if you would do the honors, please?" I turned to Atlas.

"Damn but you're no fun," Aeron said as he pouted.

"Not when you endanger my mates and family. You don't want to play hard ball with me, Aeron. I promise you that," I said. I had no idea what I would do if he did want to go the hard route, but I'm sure my guys would have some excellent ideas.

"Our Ki-Ki's got great big platinum balls, Aeron," Asher said. He was smiling, but there was only a touch of darkness in it. No humor whatsoever.

Aeron opened his mouth.

"Make a comment about any of their balls, I'll cut yours off and feed it to my pets," I said.

He shut his mouth with a snap. Glared at me again.