Chapter 90 - Lukas

"Aw fuuuuck meeeee." My back arched as my dick almost burst from my pants. The fastest hard on in my entire life had me panting like I was trying to put out a bonfire with my breath.

"Luk? You okay, man?" Aeron asked, my hand still wrapped around his lower leg.

"You don't feel that?" I said as I panted. It felt like someone was pouring lust down my throat, dousing my body in it.

He looked at me oddly. "No, but I can see what it's doing to you. Are you going to share?" He licked his lips.

"Your body can't handl - " My words cut off with a hiss. Magic lips and teeth nibbled at every inch of me, simultaneously. I have to get out of here. Have to find somewhere away from people.

I shook my head. Stuffing my hands in my now too tight pants so I didn't climb the man's body like it was a tree, I was almost out the doors before my body stopped listening to my commands.

"I can handle anything you want to dish out, mate." I could hear the hunger in his voice.