Chapter 108 - Scarlet

Unfamiliar voices filtered through the black that held me captive. I cringed inwardly. Bad things happened in the black. Monsters wearing the faces of friends hovered over you and hurt you. Hurt your body.

I pushed through the obsidian. I had to wake up. Had to protect myself. At least if I was conscious, I could float away. Keep my mind safe. Having the choice to leave was always better than waking up in the dark.

"Scarlet, honey, can you hear me?" a soft feminine voice asked. Something about it made me think of sunshine and meadows. I felt warm and safe listening to that voice.

"I don't know if she's awake, Asher," Sunshine said.

A masculine rumble came from farther away.

"No. You stay over there."

The deep rumble got a little louder.

"I don't fucking care what you want. You stay over there until she's awake and can make the decision for herself. Saint, you watch him," Sunshine said.