Chapter 117 - Scarlet

These were definitely the weirdest and best people I'd ever met in my life. In the space of an afternoon and evening, I'd been made to feel more loved and accepted than the cumulative whole of anytime preceding this. The oddness and sorrow of that thought had me smiling sadly as I watched Asher cook dinner for everyone.

We were on ‘Asher's floor,' where he reigned as ‘king of food.' I didn't know what he was making, but it smelled fantastic. My mouth was watering as I helped set the table. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was following Kiema's lead, so hopefully I didn't make too big of a fool of myself.

She sent me a smile and a wink.

Sunshine. The woman was fricking sunshine. How she grew up in Feuer Tower and turned into the woman who stood before me was a head scratcher. But by the goddess was I glad she was a good woman.

"Hey, sweetie, I'm Taryk," the glowering man with the beautiful brown skin said. His bald head reflected the overhead light.