Chapter 120 - Kiema

I lay on the cold cement floor of the CPI labs. Everything inside me sizzled and fizzled like water dancing on a hot skillet. Anda had vanished back inside me with the magic bomb I'd somehow managed to set off.

"You have excellent instincts, Kiema. Remember that," she said from inside me somewhere.

"Then I'd really appreciate those training lessons you said you'd give me. If I don't even know when Asta shows up, how am I supposed to save and protect my family?" I retorted.

"The answers will come to you, little sister. Do not fear. Your time is coming soon." With that, she once again disappeared.

I rolled to my side, my head and body aching with each breath. "Thanks a lot for nothing."

"Well, that's a little rude, luv," Lukas said as he helped me to my knees. "I was doing the best I could, considering I was smashed face first into the floor."