Chapter 126 - Kord

"What the fuck just happened? Was that a bomb?"

The woman laughed. "Oh yeah. My fake daddy's the bomb."

"I didn't ask, and certainly don't care, what you think of your father. Even if he is fake. Where was the bomb even located?" I asked as we ran down another alley.

"No, gov. She means her fake father was literally the bomb. Her men got to him, shot him up with tiny robots. I'm guessing they detonated him as a distraction. Thank Gaia we were on the other side of the place," the man explained as we all stopped at an empty corner.

Peeking around the edge of the building, the woman nodded as she beckoned us to follow her as she crossed into the street. We plunged down another dark alley. The stench of piss, vomit, and desperation pushed at even my deadened sense of smell.

I turned my head. I grabbed the woman's hand as the sound of footsteps up ahead registered in my ears. "Stop. Someone's up there."