Chapter 143 - Taryk

"So what're everyone's names?" I asked as we pulled another mattress from Scarlet's old hideout. Most of them were still in the plastic wrappers. I wouldn't have minded if Alok's hadn't been.

The female closest to me grabbed the seams of the mattress and chucked it through the air to the next person down the line. She made it look like she was throwing a piece of bread across the table, it looked so effortless. "I'm Araxalim."

"Nice to meet you, Araxalim. I'm Taryk." I scooted another mattress down the line.

She bowed her head low. "That is my sister, Ninleyn." She pointed with her delicate chin at the woman who was catching the mattresses.

"You look nothing alike. Are you close in age?" Scarlet asked from the sidelines. Even the single mattresses were bigger than my mate.

Araxalim shook her head, a smile tugged at her mouth. "We are Warden sisters. Not sisters of the blood."