Chapter 145 - Asher

"And you let her go on her fucking own?!" I yelled at Taryk through the implant.

"I won't be a jailer for her, Ash. Neither will you. I trust her. Get your head out of your pants and on straight, and you'll be able to see that she's a better covert operative than any of us could ever hope to be. She trained on the streets for twenty-two years. She'll be fine."

"Reminding me about the sheer shittiness of her life is not helping your case right now, T," I said as he pushed me into the room we'd helped Cherry clear out not even a week ago.

"And your bullheadedness is proving mine. Look at her, Asher. Really see her. Not the version of her you carry in your head in the spot you've named ‘mate.' See her. Otherwise, you're going to lose her." Taryk got up in my face, his expression more serious than anything I'd ever seen cross it before.