Chapter 152 - Ransom

Two days later

"Last chance, Alok. I won't be asking again. You can talk to me or to one of the women," I said.

The blue-haired idiot strapped down to a chair scoffed. "I'll take one of the women." He leered at me, a sickening glint in his eye.

Saint laughed. "Have a preference?"

"How about both?"

I look at Saint. He was already looking at me. A different kind of glint in his eye. "Works for me if it works for you. Scarlet has been working with Kiema," he said over the implant network.

I turned back to the asshole. "That works for us. But don't come begging and whining when they break you." We turned to leave the Hold, the door open. The two women this imbecile was mocking were waiting at the door.

He laughed, the sound full of scorn and derision. "I break for no woman. Least of all two magical half-wits."