Chapter 157 - Taryk

"What are we dealing with?" I asked as soon as Kiema inhaled and shook herself.

"Apparently, I've got another uncle. Po. Stupid name. Bit of a douche, but nothing like Aeron, so I think that's a win. The Gateway is full of holes. I think - and just think, mind you all - we might be able to get to Earth. Find out why someone put out a hit on Scarlet. We've still got some time before Hellion comes back to Azica to give me all the details I'm still missing. I say we go take care of that issue, then come back and be waiting for Hellion and his Statements of Doom," she said.

Everyone just stood there and stared at her. Especially her mates.

Kiema looked around, smiled at the shocked expressions. "Wonderful. I'm glad you're all in agreement. Remember, pack light."

She turned to leave, heading straight for the elevators. Her head was hanging a little low, her shoulders inched towards her ears. If I wasn't mistaken, her eyes were glimmering with tears.