Chapter 198 - Kiema

I wiped at the tears that streamed down my face.

Swimming, indeed.

"Goddess Kiema, greetings from Faery," Queen Arasne said as she came to a smooth stop in front of me. She was dressed in battle gear from head to toe. Braids pulled her hair up and away from her face to have it fall in a long line down her back. Under the bright lights, I could see what looked like silver threaded through the strands.


"Greetings, Queen Arasne. Welcome to Azica." I bowed to her.

She returned the gesture.

"If you could point us to our lodgings, we will begin training with you. Many of our younger recruits are quite anxious to begin." She rolled her eyes. "Youth…always rushing headlong into danger."

I smiled. "I think that's a trait of most men as well."

Arasne snorted softly. "Indeed. I put the call out to my people. We've had record breaking enrollment for recruits. Graysten is quite beside himself on how to train so many in so short a time."