Chapter 201 - Mason

"Que diable se passe-t-il?" I said.

A husky familiar laugh had me spinning around.

"Kona? What are you doing here?"

"You know, I can actually understand your other language in here? How weird is that? And to answer you: what the hell is going on? I'm apparently here to heal you. This is what has happened every time I went to touch someone before I ascended. I would get sucked into their spirit landscape to heal them."

She spun around like she was taking in the view.

I'm not quite sure what she saw, but I saw my old Resting ground at the cemetery. Sebastian's wife's grave was the only one there. Marie Consuela Moreau, beloved wife, from now until eternity.

Just like they always had, the words ripped at my insides. The old hurt a numb and perennial friend. Sebastian had never lied to me, had never led me astray. But he also had not returned my love.