Chapter 205 - Kiema

"As much as I love that idea, Ki-Ki, I would like to give you a hug." Asher walked over, picked me up in his arms, squeezed me tight. Setting me back on my feet, he stepped back. "And get some fucking sleep. Between training today and getting magic sucked out of my body, I'm pooped. I don't even want to think about how Xan and Cherrypie are feeling." He shook his head.

I stopped him as he tried to move past me. "Why would Xander and Scarlet be feeling any crappier than usual?" I turned back to the two in question.

Xander did look like he'd been on a bender for at least a week. His dark brown eyes were sunken. The bags under his eyes looked like he was hosting a sleepover in them. The laugh lines around his mouth made him look haggard instead of happy.