Chapter 208 - Kiema

I heard the thought race through Kord's mind. I wanted to smile, but I also didn't want to ruin his fun.

This would be between me and the Directs. Me and my mother. No one else.

Although it was nice of my family to bring them here. While they'd been hatching their plans last night, so had I.

But I'd done mine on the spirit plane. My body safe in my mates' care, I'd gone to my spirit landscape and thought and plotted for hours.

Something Hellion had made a point to say the night before kept gnawing at my brain. How did my power work?

As I sat in my familiar spirit landscape, I sifted through the layers and layers of my power. The parts and pieces I'd had with me since childhood. The webs and sheets of power I'd absorbed. I found what I was looking for in the motes and particles Anda had given me.