Chapter 211 - Saint

Ten ripped through my body as we launched into the air.

"We have to save her. Find Heppni. Let's roast that bitch," I yelled.

"Way ahead of you, brother," he said as we arrowed down at the woman who had caused our mate so much trouble.

A stream of fire poured from our mouths as we got close enough to see the whites of her eyes. Our Pink Kiss melted her skin in an instant.

Too bad the next instant it regrew.

With a wink and a laugh, she threw a bolt of magic at us.

It clipped our right wing, toppling us from the air.

We changed back to our human form as the ground rushed up at us.

A heavy jolt shook our bodies as we were caught up in stone arms.

"This is not the day to die, mes amie. Fight. Take down as many as you can," Mason said as he lowered us to the ground.

Queen Arasne hurried over, a plume of purple magic in her hand. "I cannot heal you as your Mate does, but I can offer you numbness and clotting. Do you wish it?" she asked, her amethyst eyes wide.