Chapter 217 - Kiema 

The next day

"Torture and then straight back to bed. I don't care that your father is the god of healing. This is ridiculous, Kiema," Atlas said as we stood in the elevator on our way to the basement level.

"Don't get trapped in the dungeons," Apollo had said as he laid his palm against the electronic plate on the wall of the elevator.

Right. Dungeons in a god hospital. 

Gods were freaking weird.

I patted his cheek. "I've got my main medical provider right next to me. I'll be fine. Besides I feel like a million bucks."

He huffed a laugh as Mason and Lukas came up beside him. 

I wiggled my eyebrows at Atlas, looked over his shoulder, back to his face.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, little sister. We've decided to try being a thruple."

I wrinkled my nose. "What kind of word is thruple?"

"A three-person couple, luv," Lukas answered. 

I snorted. "And you guys won't let me make up words? That's a heaping load of Berserker shit right there."