Chapter 50 - Toven

I came rushing back out of Tag's suite, his massive medical bag in hand. I hadn't heard that kind of terror in his voice in a very long time. The last had been when he'd been struggling with his nightmares.

I would do just about anything to keep from hearing it again. Not to mention the fact that it was concerning Hols. I couldn't lose her. We'd just found her.

If I had to lock her in one of our rooms until she finally figured out that we weren't going to toss her aside, I'd be willing to do that. Listening to her thoughts as she sat on top of Thane's new gargantuan body had been like having her shove knives into my eyeballs. Into my heart.

She didn't know how we felt about her.

Hell, how could she? Unless I was mistaken, none of us had shared anything of our emotions. Only the cravings of our bodies. I wasn't going to let a little thing like pride keep me from pronouncing my intentions. My pride could go jump off a fucking bridge.