Side Chapter: The Cursed Sword.

Narrator's POV

-This was the time Baron Hills accompanied Kein to buy some things required before enrolling to the Knights Academy-

-Two years ago-

The two of them were walking through the capital. Baron Hills have tagged along to get whatever things her daughter will need. Although the Baron was panicking on deciding while he was looking through the list.

"It says here you'll live in a dorm for two years... let's get you some new blankets and pajamas- just in case." (Baron Hills) mutters to Kein who just nods.

"I'll also need a sword and armor to pair with the uniform. Since I'm not a commoner and I can afford my own armor I won't be in the list that the kingdom will provide free armor." (Kein) replies taking another look at the list. "It says here shields are voluntary."

Baron Hills thinks for a moment before seeing the blacksmith shop. "With your style of fighting of constant movement having a shield around would only hinder you. Unless its a lightweight kind of shield."