Tavern Fight (II).

Chapter 81: Tavern Fight (II).

Kein's POV

"You rascal, if you were coming to visit parts of [Sprivanto] you should've sent me a letter!" (Big Sister Valentina) locked her arms around my neck and laughed. She smelled like alcohol walking into the counter letting me sit down. "Are you alone hermana? You've grown! Tall now!"

She ruffles my hair and I take her hand off away from my head. 

"I'm all grown up now, yes. Here with a few friends- they're right over there." I point in the corner where I last saw them. Kazari was the only one left making herself comfortable looking around, Avery on the other hand-

"WHOOO! TEQUILA~! SHOT! SHOT! SALUD!" (Avery) had already gotten a hand on some alcohol and began chugging small bottles of what I think- it's tequila.

That idiot will have her face planted in the floor in a few minutes.